Example sentences of "[to-vb] them [prep] the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They chose us to provide them with the most reliable data network available .
2 It saw its function not to produce curricular prescriptions but rather ‘ to extend the range of possibilities open to teachers , and to provide them with the most detailed research evidence on which their judgement can be exercised ’ .
3 Equally , large European Community ( EC ) grants had been attracted to Portugal which frequently lacked the infrastructure or administrative machinery necessary to absorb them in the most productive manner .
4 The next task is to tackle them in the most sensible way .
5 The skill of the marketing manager therefore lies in understanding how the four categories of the Marketing Mix interact , and in being able to combine them in the most cost-effective manner such that the company 's marketing objectives are satisfactorily achieved .
6 They also had magnifying glasses to help them with the extraordinarily fine detail which they worked into the seal images : some lenses were found in a Middle Minoan tomb at Knossos .
7 There is unfortunately no miracle cure for leg ulcers around the corner ; community staff must be prepared to handle them in the most efficient and effective manner possible .
8 Agencies are given budgets and are expected to use them in the most efficient way possible .
9 Your officers has members from all over the country will try to apply a broad view but there are changes that will be necessary but they will attempt to do them in the most sympathetic and most broadly based way .
10 I stress that I understand that the regulations will be general and that highway authorities will be given discretion to interpret them in the most appropriate way .
11 Finally , as they near the Sargasso , the imprinted memory of the particular taste of those strange waters may be sufficient to lure them to the very same semi-stagnant tract of ocean where they hatched , just as adult trout are led to their own birth-places .
12 On the application so to vary the implied undertaking , the applicants undertaking to the court to hold them for the strictly limited purpose of defending the libel proceedings brought against the applicants by the two reinstated officers , and on the question of the effect of public interest immunity : —
13 In form it is an application at the suit of C.N.L. as a third party for the court to release the appellant from his implied undertaking pursuant to which discovery of the P.C.A. documents was given under the court 's order of 9 July 1991 — released that is to the extent of permitting him to disclose the documents to C.N.L. , they for their part undertaking to the court to hold them for the strictly limited purpose of defending the libel proceedings brought against them by Woodley and Clifford .
14 He continued , ‘ It is incumbent upon the government to refute them in the most absolute detail . ’
15 jack Carey , who was an explorer as well as a student of Oriental languages , had promised to take them to the most remote corners of the earth some day , and they had often pictured themselves camping in the silent desert , or following some ancient track to a ruined city which had once been great .
16 A mother does her level best to warn them about the ever present dangers
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