Example sentences of "[to-vb] them [verb] with the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 To provide advice and guidance to businesses to enable them to comply with the requirements of the legislation enforced .
2 The Council will also be producing in-service materials for teachers to help them cope with the changes and , provided this is prepared and delivered in close collaboration with local education authorities , as is the stated intention , this should be very helpful provided the Council avoids being prescriptive about teaching style .
3 If the client refuses to let them communicate with the auditors , then they should turn the job down .
4 Sleep-deprived subjects , however , improve their performance on the five-choice when subjected to white noise , as if arousal level in their cases was being raised sufficiently to allow them to cope with the demands of the task .
5 They talked nonsense until there was sufficient calm in the stalls and circle to allow them to continue with the lines as written in the script .
6 For example , on Easter Monday , 27 April 1981 , the skins at Brighton were penned into a small groyne by the police to prevent them fighting with the mods .
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