Example sentences of "[to-vb] up [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One way or another they can expect to meet up with the majority of the players who will represent Canada at the ‘ 95 World Cup .
2 She gripped the edge of the window sill , seemed to strain up on the window across the small of her back .
3 And so we 're able to , to , once we 've found which birds er have arrived , picked a nest and er have laid eggs , we put a careful watch on them and then we 're able to tot up at the end of the breeding season , how many young have actually fledged .
4 He was the first commoner to stand up to the might of the king .
5 In the longer term the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees tried to help individual farmers to eke out an adequate living , encourage the organization of small farmers at the village level , and foster the growth of a farming structure better able to stand up to the rigours of occupation than the present one in which middlemen and large landowners dominated agriculture .
6 But what a pity that , when the heat was on — when the law of the land was being challenged by Labour councillors up and down the country , and by Members of Parliament — the Opposition Front Bench was found wanting , and failed to stand up to the rule of law .
7 Since this high work of fracture — which makes trees able to stand up to the buffetings of life and which makes wood such a useful material — can not be accounted for by any of the recognized work of fracture mechanisms which operate in man-made composites , George set out to find out what was really happening .
8 ‘ If you wanted to find out how an astronaut 's body was likely to stand up to the strain of living on a very , very heavy planet , is there some way of testing it before actually visiting the planet ? ’
9 The change involved the production of a protective ‘ skin ’ to ensure that water loss to the atmosphere was not excessive , and the stems had to acquire sufficient rigidity to stand up without the support of surrounding water , but also the cellular structure had to allow the passage of nutrients to the growing shoots ( ultimately , a vascular system ) .
10 She had to stand up in the midst of a certain amount of pomp and ceremony and address a large audience , which included her own family , her husband , the Prime Minister , the Lord Mayor and a host of City dignitaries , many of them accomplished public speakers themselves .
11 This crying , this wailing , this mass of thick air gathered from thousand upon thousand square miles of nothingness , scooped up , pushed and banked against every object which has the temerity to stand up from the surface of the earth ; this was weird , oppressive , invasive .
12 The women have become more feminist in their outlook and this has helped them to stand up against the men of the villages and take a firm stance in their lives .
13 Finally the tram got underway and as it started to pull up at the end of the track by the foot of Duke Street Hill Carrie was already out of her seat and waiting on the platform at the rear of the vehicle , with Fred at her side gripping her arm for fear that she would fall off before it actually stopped .
14 Clive had to have them , because the competition did , but since the benefits were at best indirect he had to come up with the idea of asking the students from each country to get together and prepare a ‘ typical national dish ’ .
15 Middlesbrough 's shambolic defenders failed to come up with the answers to the riddles posed by Rosenthal 's direct running .
16 It had not been hard to persuade Brian to come up with the fees for university .
17 However , its subsidiary , Barclays Direct Mortgage Services , was able to come up with the sums in a matter of days .
18 So , for example , when I ask a group of students at the beginning of an interdisciplinary course in women 's writing and the visual arts , to come up with the names of any contemporary women artists , they can rarely mention more than one or two .
19 The narrowness of Foxton was at least one of the arguments to come up at the end of the century in favour of the inclined plane .
20 ‘ I wonder if you 'd care to come up to the stable at the house and help me box a pair of geldings of mine ? ’ he was inquiring .
21 No , but the point is that to in all our cases to provide a community resource which is going to be of genuine use to artists and the general public , erm one has to take care that the standards of work and the standards of community facilities are as high as they possibly can be if you want to attract maximum usage , and what we will be trying to do in circumstances like this encourage as many people to come up to the Gardener at weekends during the summer and have as enjoyable a time as possible .
22 She asked : ‘ Would you like to come up to the top of the house , to my office ?
23 Logically , it would make sense to assume that the aircraft failed to come up to the standards of performance and aggressive capability which the Soviets expected of it .
24 Yeah that was so funny , you know the bit he has to come up to the house to erm has , has to come up to the house
25 Thus all rations for the men at the front had to come up on the backs of other men .
26 In fact , one of Ramsay 's greatest achievements was in the atmosphere he was able to conjure up through the depiction of materials .
27 Yet despite one way traffic at times , Newcastle will have to tighten up at the heart of a defence that looked vulnerable .
28 Well Zoe Muir decided to catch up on the progress of our other volunteer , Katy Clark .
29 Well Zoe Muir decided to catch up on the progress of our other volunteer , Katy Clark .
30 Well Zoe Muir decided to catch up on the progress of our other volunteer , Katy Clark .
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