Example sentences of "[to-vb] out of the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Well , she 's not going to jump out of the window in the next hour , is she ?
2 In the course of the journey one of them , an RAF pilot , had been shot dead trying to jump out of the train in an attempt to reach an Italian fighter plane on an airfield and fly it to Yugoslavia .
3 Even before disaffiliation the Communists had urged all ILP " militants " to " take the lead in calling upon all revolutionary elements to come out of the ILP in a body , hold a separate conference and decide whether and in what way they can link themselves up with the only revolutionary party in Britain today — the Communist Party " .
4 the sky was a beautiful blue , the sun in just the right position for the rainbows to come out of the cleft in exactly the right position photographically .
5 Just off the Kurfurstendam , it is the first British project to come out of the ground in the city .
6 Robert did not shift his eyes , waiting for another image to swarm out of the chamber in front of him , but all he could hear , now , was groaning .
7 To this end they have collectively built up an enormous fund of local knowledge and experience , not just of the water and its peculiar hydrodynamics but also the sides of the gorge as well , things like the best portage routes , where to escape out of the gorge in an emergency , where and how close you can get with transport , nearest telephone , helicopter landing sites , etc , a sad spinoff of being on call for river search duties in the event of tragic emergency .
8 The contractual right of the defendants to retain out of the moneys in hand a sum in respect of costs disallowed on the standard basis taxation is in issue .
9 I had almost consciously to go out of the house in the morning with a smile fixed on my face , keep it on and breathe an air of absolute confidence when I was feeling anything but that way inclined .
10 SUMMER bathers have been warned to keep out of the lake in Middlesbrough 's Central Gardens .
11 For the first time we do n't have to scramble out of the hotel in a bad-tempered flurry of unwilling activity , whilst those boys hit the airport in their own good time .
12 Some who had failed to get out of the way in time bore the scars like war wounds or medals which they paraded for public admiration .
13 I am concerned about the absence of provisions for cycle tourists to get out of the city in the most desired directions , viz westwards along the A8 ( trunk road ) , and north-west along the A90 ( also trunk road ) to the Forth Bridge .
14 Kelly had another good match , Strachan was superb , Wallace was my Man of the Match , Deane caused them problems all night , McAllister Speed and batty were good the first half , but Speed especially seemed to drop out of the game in the second half .
15 She tried to peer out of the peephole in her blind .
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