Example sentences of "[to-vb] their [noun sg] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Italians were now coming to the fore in car racing thanks to Alfa , and Nuvolari joined the team as the man to spearhead their attack on the German manufacturers .
2 The more energetic will be off to the King Alfred Leisure Centre to risk their dignity on the Wild Waters and on the three 100-metre slides .
3 It is likely to be up to 10 years before the banks would be able either to sell their stake on the local stock market or to pass on their holdings to other investors .
4 For this reason , many landowners have followed the Junker path , taking over the land of sharecroppers and colonos and compelling them to sell their labour on the open market .
5 Barth and Brunner moved on from that position and came to focus their attention on the re-working and re-stating of the main classical Christian doctrines , especially of christology , in which they believed the meaning and content of the revelation was explicated .
6 They replace John Larkin and Craig Stewart , and Gateshead are able to switch two of their normal long-stage runners , Steve Parr and Gerard Hargreaves , to strengthen their team on the shorter legs .
7 THE first 50 people to book their car on the new Calais-Feldkirch and Worgl motorial service to Austria will get a week 's ski pass to selected resorts .
8 He is also concerned about being unable to control their value on the open market , with individuals making money out of what had originally been a means of raising money for charity .
9 Now the reductions in personnel and operating resources are beginning to take their toll on the fifty-year Master Plan to modernise the nineteenth-century Beaux-Arts landmark .
10 As applied to water , they are visualized as being particular polywater formations which have the power to impress their pattern on the surrounding water polymers .
11 An international mountaineering conference in Katmandu , Nepal , has heard demands for climbers to be periodically barred from much of the Himalayas in an effort to limit their impact on the fragile mountain environment .
12 In October 1974 Labour won only a small majority of seats but that majority had disappeared by 1976 , because a number of minor nationalist parties were able to maximize their effect on the electoral system by virtue of their votes being concentrated into a limited number of constituencies , and because by-elections were lost .
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