Example sentences of "[to-vb] been [vb pp] as a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was fortunate to have been accepted as a member of the new customs syndicate in 1667 before Clarendon 's fall deprived him of his patron ; but the lease was cancelled four years later , when the farmers sought guarantees against the heavy defalcations to be expected in the imminent Dutch war .
2 The infant had defects that were alleged to have been caused as a result of injuries , when in the womb , sustained when an accident occurred to her mother as a consequence of the negligence of a railway company .
3 A tenth of their 338-page book , a best-seller in the US and Germany with Japan showing even greater interest , is devoted to The 1990s : Decade of Women in Leadership Their views are graphic : ‘ To be a leader in business today , it is no longer an advantage to have been socialised as a male .
4 Plans for major development projects , including the giant Hab River power complex near Karachi , were reported in early February to have been disrupted as a result of the November 1991 ruling by the Federal Islamic Court banning bank interest [ see pp. 38683-84 ] .
5 The texts seem to have been composed as a result of work in and on language .
6 Chapter 2 I , which seems to have been composed as an afterthought to the main body of the Gospel with its climax in 20:31 , indicates that there was a tradition doing the rounds in Christian circles to the effect that John would not die : he would be there until the Second Coming of Christ .
7 It is said to have been built as a smock mill but later , after a period as a dwelling house , changed to a tower mill and made higher .
8 He would have been quite happy to have been employed as a production manager an or as an assistant director of which he was first class but the work did not come his way .
9 Its height suggests that it was unlikely to have been intended as a garden sculpture .
10 Since those cases were decided there have been many scientific advances and it would seem that chances of establishing whether or not there are causal relationships between the act alleged to be negligent and the damage alleged to have been suffered as a consequence are better now than formerly .
11 Damages in libel cases are intended generally to compensate the plaintiff for loss of face , and specifically for any loss of work or earnings which can be proved to have been suffered as a result of the libel .
12 In the case of psychoanalytic theory , there needs to be an understanding , first , of an undistorted version of the theory as stated by Freud , and then various changes in the theory can be seen as either having been made to attain greater rational consistency , or to incorporate new ‘ findings ’ which refute some of the previous assumptions , or to have been made as a result of social pressures on theory-makers eager to find a role for their theories in the society .
13 This ill-omened project appears to have been undertaken as a sort of consolation to the Tanganyika Masai after they suffered a series of land losses , to European settlers and to other tribes , in the late 1940s , when the Tanganyika government came under pressure to contribute to world food production .
14 Since that time , more than 20,000 babies are thought to have been born as a result of this technique .
15 Police recovered a black Opel car , believed to have been used as a getaway car in the attack .
16 It 's incorrectly built and it also appears to have been used as an excuse for fly tipping , and industrial fly tipping at that .
17 Wilmington , also part of the Beaufort lands , seems to have been included as a makeweight .
18 Wilmington , also part of the Beaufort lands , seems to have been included as a makeweight .
19 He also refilled air-bottles for scuba divers , ran sports-fishing excursions and , despite his slow left knee , was a good enough tennis player to have been hired as a coach at some of the Lucaya hotels , though the Maggot 's career as a tennis coach had been somewhat jeopardised by his insistence on helping only the prettier guests to improve their game .
20 True , some plates seem to have been designed as a reminder , sometimes polite , sometimes far from it , that the volume has strayed from its proper home .
21 Five people including some from North Wales died in the blaze , said to have been started as a prank in Palmeira Drive , in April last year .
22 The Rights of Way Act 1932 provides that where a way over land had been actually enjoyed by the public as of right and without interruption for a full period of 20 years , the way shall be deemed to have been dedicated as a highway , unless there is sufficient evidence that there was no intention during the 20-year period to dedicate it .
23 She found herself being slowly torn apart in her loyalties : on the one hand she felt proud to have been chosen as a wife by the head of one of the noblest families in Portugal , and she longed to start her new life ; but on the other , she could not help drawing back instinctively from what lay ahead .
24 First , the range of choice at local level seems , if anything , to have been reduced as a consequence of a series of tighter and tighter rules , first on levels of expenditure and then on activities on which it could be spent .
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