Example sentences of "[to-vb] from [noun sg] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The modern modification of representative democracy is therefore to see the public as being allowed to choose from time to time between two or more broad political programmes , and being able to reject a party that has failed to carry out its promises .
2 Christians need to reflect from time to time on their faith , knowing that it is easy to be distracted from their calling to be disciples .
3 An example of a clause providing for the payment of a participating dividend is : The Company shall after making all necessary provisions for payment of the Preference Dividend ( including any Arrears ) and the redemption of the Preference Shares but in priority to payment of any dividend to the holders of Ordinary Shares , pay to the holders of the Preferred Ordinary Shares as from ( and inclusive of ) the accounting period ending … , subject to payment in full of the Preferred Dividend ( including any Arrears of the same ) pay to the holders of Preferred Ordinary Shares a cumulative cash dividend ( " the Participating Dividend " ) of a sum ( net of any advance corporation tax payable by the Company ) equal to … % of the Profit After Tax for each accounting period of the Company ; the Participating Dividend shall be deemed to accrue from day to day throughout each accounting period and shall become payable and be paid not later than four months immediately following the end of the accounting period to which it relates .
4 That meant that Macedon had to flirt from time to time with Sparta or whoever looked the strongest counterweight to Athens after Persia had recoiled from the Aegean in the mid-fifth century .
5 The professor will be qualified for election as an official member of the board of the faculty ( which has final authority over the proceedings of its sub-faculties ) , and will be expected to serve from time to time on the various standing and ad hoc committees appointed by the board .
6 That the Select Committee have power to sit notwithstanding any adjournment of the House , to adjourn from place to place within the United Kingdom and to report from day to day the Minutes of Evidence taken before it .
7 What I did was to teeter from side to side like a tall mast on a small ship in a heavy sea .
8 There is , however , a video of his performance which he is encouraged to play from time to time by his two children .
9 There are no real features — a low relief gangway here , a slashed crack there , a stiffening of angle at two thirds height seize the imagination of the guide-writer more than that of the viewing climber , who will want to go from bottom to top by the smoothest and straightest way .
10 The officers responsible for these areas are all based at Northway so there will be no need for people to go from office to office in search of an answer .
11 Forecasts about the course of democracy tend to swing from optimism to despair with alarming speed .
12 In Raymond Aron 's words , ‘ The essence of capitalist exchange is to proceed from money to money by way of commodity and end up with more money than one had at the outset ’ .
13 If we are to persist in the assertion of absolute sovereignty for whatever body happens to sit from time to time at Westminster , the answer must be affirmative .
14 The government is now reported to be planning measures to limit peat extraction through direct purchase of threatened sites , and management agreements to encourage landowners to switch from exploitation to restoration of peat bogs .
15 Here one of them sacrifices for the other : both have trouble falling asleep , and their partner 's noisy breath wakes them ; so they wriggle towards the edge of the bed , leaving a broad space down the middle ; they pretend to be sound asleep , in the hope of making sleep easier for their partner , who will then be able to turn from side to side without disturbing the other .
16 Her eyes , threatening to turn from amber to gold as the two of them sat there over a casual dinner on her balcony , briefly dared him to develop the theme , just before she dropped them .
17 ‘ If we did not , we would lose all continuity with our past , would only be able to live from moment to moment like butterflies alighting and flitting away , and no relationship or experience could have any permanent value for us .
18 And , as I hope to demonstrate from time to time in later chapters , it is as legitimate to utilize Lévi-Straussian notions where these seem appropriate and fruitful as it is to derive inspiration from Freud — without necessarily being a dogmatic , doctrinaire Freudian .
19 ‘ but an excess of out door ceremony tended and still tends to prevent the female from acquiring the proper use of her limbs , and of learning to bound from rock to rock with the celerity of the fleecy rangers of the mountains . ’
20 In the next house , Miss Goulding seemed to toil from morning to night at top speed to ensure that the laundry she worked on was ready for delivery by Fred Cotton .
21 Where a company is engaged in more than one kind of business , it is not unusual for significant differences to arise from year to year between the separate segments .
22 Even this pleasure was rendered impure , since , as we had no heating in our bedrooms , we were forced into the family sitting-room , and felt , out of courtesy , obliged to join from time to time in the general conversation — a pursuit not very rewarding to either party .
23 The flight burns up energy , and the hummingbird has to stop from time to time during its journey , to defend a territory and re-fuel .
24 Unlike most other economic activities , fishing took place at sea outside the territory of any member state and the fishing vessel was free to move from territory to territory at will .
25 I sought a way of fudging it , of drawing a two-dimensional picture that conveyed something of what it feels like to move from point to point in the nine-dimensional genetic space of Biomorph Land .
26 In early sixteenth-century London it was customary for the most pious lay people to rush from church to church in order to be present at as many elevations of the host as possible in a single day .
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