Example sentences of "[to-vb] at a [adj] [noun] than " in BNC.

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1 He knew just when , and how , to tap , in order to receive at a deeper level than he gave .
2 There is , however , separate evidence which shows that the Jovian interior is indeed hot , namely , that Jupiter radiates energy to space at a greater rate than that at which it absorbs energy from the Sun .
3 And er it , it 's much pleasanter to work and to look at a pleasant environment than something that , that is n't .
4 As the right hon. Gentleman is now keen to look at a longer period than just the last year , he will also be interested to know that between 1981 and 1991 the British economy grew faster than the German economy , the French economy , the Italian economy or the economy of any other country in Europe .
5 A worried Bank of England used the weekend to negotiate for the Portuguese currency to start at a higher level than that planned on Friday , but it clearly was not high enough for the pound .
6 Since the matter is important , I wonder if you would take the trouble to write to me again , indicating particularly whether such other arrangements as you will be making are likely to commence at an earlier date than one might otherwise suppose .
7 Branson , he argued , was attempting to expand at a faster rate than the resources of the company allowed .
8 He can not claim on the one hand to be at the heart of Europe and at the same time want to be on the periphery of Europe and seem to want us to go at a slower speed than anyone else .
9 It is therefore safe for a fire-engine driver to proceed at a higher speed than would be possible for other drivers .
10 It is a biological catalyst , a catalyst being something that encourages a chemical reaction to proceed at a faster rate than it would do normally .
11 Already for a number of years , employers have not been able to oblige women to retire at an earlier age than their male colleagues but by law must have a common retirement age that applies equally to both sexes .
12 Mr Cavaco Silva tried put the brakes on his currency by cutting key interest rates by 1 p.c. to just under 18 p.c. and by selling escudos but the pound ended the day less than 1 p.c. away from its floor of 241.5 against the Portuguese currency , despite successful British efforts over the weekend to force Portugal to join at a higher rate than the Lisbon government had planned on Friday .
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