Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [adv] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is also likely to provoke at least a verbal protest from the United States , which has warned against any attempt to stem the flow of American programmes across the Atlantic .
2 In the market , shareholders in one automobile firm can observe the profitability of the competitors to obtain at least a rough idea about the managerial quality of the given firm .
3 But they decided to establish a study committee in Brussels to look at both a common market and the possibilities for ‘ sector ’ co-operation .
4 Erm of course two thousand and six is a consideration that we ought to look at once a new settlement location 's identified .
5 It is common ground that in a majority of cases where an order may be made under section 18 for the payment by the Board to the unassisted party of the costs of appellate , as opposed to first instance , proceedings , the Court of Appeal or this House will be in a position at the conclusion of an appeal on the information then before it to decide under section 18(3) what , if any , order for costs should be made against the assisted party and to form at least a provisional view under section 18(4) ( c ) as to whether it would be ‘ just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds . ’
6 These conditions have fostered a ‘ pick-and-choose ’ or ‘ supermarket ’ approach to sentencing on the part of the courts which neither Parliament nor the Appeal Courts have until recently sought to discourage , though the Criminal Justice Act 1991 ( see below , page 107 ) appears to herald at least a partial break with that tradition .
7 Nevertheless , the exposure will be mentioned where relevant , to give at least a relative idea of the values used .
8 This is the shortest par-three but is guarded by enough sand to build at least a four-bedroom castle .
9 The third requirement grew out of this — namely , as America became more involved in this conflict , so it looked to Britain to send at least a token force to assist in the war in Vietnam , or failing that to give strong diplomatic backing to the United States .
10 With their characteristic and pervasive atmosphere of sexuality and sensuality and their erotic tales presented or disguised within verbal play , it is hardly surprising that many have considered " pornography " to be an appropriate term to describe at least a good part of what is found in these fabliaux .
11 An author may expect his or her reader to have at least a general idea of when the Vikings lived , or what it feels like to be bullied , or to be able to cope with simple scientific concepts , or to know the general geography of the USA .
12 It is therefore essential to have at least a general knowledge of the physical background of CL to avoid serious misinterpretation .
13 Although I have stressed that one should not keep large amounts of money at home , it is of value to have at least a small amount of emergency money carefully hidden somewhere in the house , say , £20 .
14 I did choose it in my first book , The Selfish Gene , so I thought that here I would fly a kite for a somewhat less-fashionable theory ( although it recently has started gaining ground ) , which seems to me to have at least a sporting chance of being right .
15 Whereas the pet Rottweiler living at home would require a low degree of sharpness , a Schutzhund dog or a dog who is required to guard a family home would need to have at least a medium degree of sharpness .
16 Every local and family historian needs to acquire at least a working knowledge of the history of religious dissent in his selected region and a familiarity with the national background .
17 One company had obtained a concession from its local unions to employ at least a certain proportion of its workforce on a temporary basis .
18 These were also powerfully promoted by domestic service at a time when even the meanest clerk expected to employ at least a resident maid-of-all-work .
19 I always advise musicians to digest at least a certain amount of knowledge about their business affairs .
20 Despite problems of access , I gathered sufficient information about the physical conditions and regime in a particular central gaol to produce at least a poor imitation of John Howard .
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