Example sentences of "[to-vb] on [art] [adj] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 The human mind — which , from this viewpoint , is the brain — is said to work on the same plan as a computer , with operations being carried out on physical symbols .
2 Understanding that their design needed some improvements , Bell started to work on the basic airframe as GE started to improve the powerplant .
3 ‘ I would n't like to play on the same team as him or even get changed in the vicinity of him , ’ he said a year ago , after Justin came out .
4 And he had to put on a brave face as he manned the tombola stall at a primary school Christmas bazaar where his children Adam , seven , and five-year-old Amber were among the revellers .
5 Faith , her boyfriend and I waited to ride on the same flight as the box .
6 Describing the deal as ‘ a highly significant step in European retailing ’ , the chairman of Kingfisher , Sir Geoffrey Mulcahy said : ‘ Our merger will create a business with the muscle to compete on a European basis as well as enhancing growth opportunities in our domestic markets . ’
7 He adds sadly : ‘ It 's impossible for me to go on a quiet date as I get recognised everywhere and asked for autographs . ’
8 That case can thus be seen to proceed on the same basis as the colore officii cases .
9 In the event of circumstances arising under 1 or 2 above which require the Insurers to notify the Society of the reduction or cancellation of cover the Insurers shall during the period from such reduction or cancellation until ten days after notification of the Society indemnify the Society against losses to the same extent as if cover had not been reduced or cancelled and if the Society shall within seven days of notification by the Insurers inform the Insurers that it wishes cover to continue on the same terms as if it had not been reduced or cancelled the Insurers shall indemnify the Society against losses on such terms for such period not exceeding six months as the Society shall specify and the Society shall be responsible for the payment of premium for such cover .
10 What was even ‘ funnier ’ was when I went into the car i thought Id switch it to radio 5 , to see how they could manage to report on a different game as usual .
11 Do you really believe that the first contact after weeks of silence just happened by sheer coincidence to fall on the same day as your arrival here ?
12 When assessing your budget plans , it is as well to err on the cautious side as regards the additional income you will be likely to earn as — although this has been improving — many so called ‘ retirement jobs ’ are notoriously badly paid .
13 The decision that leisure should be the Main focus of the project 's work was also made by the service-providers ; disabled people in the area were not involved in setting their own agendas to decide on the important issues as they saw them .
14 Remember to wear walking shoes , and to stay on the marked footpaths as accidents have occurred .
15 Other diarrhoea-causing bacteria seem to operate on the same principle as cholera enterotoxin ie. by blocking sodium and chloride ion reabsorption and causing chloride ion secretion into the gut lumen .
16 It was also decided that joint stock companies would be permitted and that foreign-owned ventures would be allowed to operate on the same terms as domestically owned firms .
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