Example sentences of "[to-vb] for him [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Philip went back to Richard 's rooms in college to wait for him on this night of undreamt-of triumph , to enjoy it with him , to talk it through .
2 Roberto had written and asked me to carry for him in that year 's Open .
3 And erm anyway we got more from the unemployment exchange that prepared to work for him for fourteen pound , when we could have a eighteen pound on the dole .
4 He brought me down here to work for him under false pretences .
5 She was able to care for him for two months in the small cottage which had been her parent 's retirement home .
6 The real argument is not how a doctor 's conduct can be characterized , but whether under the circumstances he has fulfilled his duty to the patient to care for him in good faith .
7 He seems also to have had the right to appoint deputies to act for him in individual duchy lordships .
8 He seems also to have had the right to appoint deputies to act for him in individual duchy lordships .
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