Example sentences of "[to-vb] it back to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I cast and make sure the worm lands three or four yards further than the baited area , which allows me to pull it back to the swim and sink the line at the same time .
2 Some of this can be achieved through training , with time to relate it back to the working environment . ’
3 You had to sell it back to the council .
4 Anyone who buys a piece of plant and machinery and tries to sell it back to the manufacturer at 75 per cent .
5 A repurchase agreement provides a means for the short to lend money to the futures market : the short agrees to buy a bond with a provision to sell it back to the market at a predetermined price and to receive a rate of interest , the repo rate .
6 Mum 's got to give it back to the man .
7 Mum when you have to give it back to the man ?
8 Sparta had taken Delphi out of Phokian control ; Athens intervened to give it back to the Phokians , and that was that .
9 The obvious answer is to draw it back to the side away from the corner , but this can create an unbalanced appearance .
10 There can be emergency situations , for instance if your dog cuts its paw or is bitten by a poisonous snake , when you will need to carry it back to the vehicle or home .
11 And Kalchu was satisfied and picked up the quivering body to carry it back to the fireside .
12 I expect I 'll soon work out how to drive it back to the quarry , and we can pick them all up .
13 Now I think what te , what happened there was we er , we drifted away from setting down sc , er , er , scripts to finding good useful key words and phrases out of the paper that we could then fit into the script , and as it had gone that way , I realised it was working , and did n't see any point in trying to get it back to the way it was originally going , because it was going fine .
14 So think of some number right divide it by a hundred and twenty now we want to get it back to the number we first thought of so what
15 The XJ 40 had done 10,000 miles and he was glad of an excuse to take it back to the UK for a proper service .
16 Up my elbow and er anyway put it used to take it back to the shop and er well I was still inside the shop , down to a certain place in the shop and put it on a on a stand and then there 'd be a on that stand , beside the bucket , was a a box of not Lux not Lux soap but er yellow soap .
17 They were persons who had been brain-washed by years of experience of disengaging from colonies and saw Northern Ireland as another external colony from which Great Britain was destined to disengage in order to hand it back to the natives whom they assumed were the republican Irish of the island as a whole .
18 Being adequately provided for , he was able to book himself into a downtown hotel which cost him three dollars per night , though he often failed to make it back to the hotel , finding the cosmopolitan and nocturnal life of the town there entirely to his liking : consecration dismantled !
19 Derbyshire made no secret of their doubts about the ability of West Indian fast bowler Ian Bishop to make it back to the top in county cricket this season after 18 months plagues by career-threatening back problems .
20 If he 'd just been trying to clear the hell out , then it meant there were probably other FAKINTIL escapers at large who had n't been able to make it back to the mountains either .
21 After a knockdown the fallen fighter had so many seconds to make it back to the starting stance and the less able were those who did n't ‘ come up to scratch ’ .
22 Erm you know people know the answers questions or they 've got an idea material of your own experience you know a lot more than they do , but it 's good technique to throw it back to the group .
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