Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [verb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are other places she could go to , of course , but so many of them would be clubs in which she would be expected to communicate and contribute at a time when all she wants is occasionally simply to be ‘ with ’ people and to be able to depart when she wishes without giving offence or disturbing the gathering .
2 At this point it may be helpful to try and distinguish between a witness and an evangelist .
3 ‘ Do n't sit there ’ they chorus at an unfortunate guest foolish enough to try and sit in a chair in the drawing-room which was last used by Queen Victoria .
4 Killion was too exhausted by the feeble air , and the cold , and the need to watch the airfield , to try and think of a reason .
5 You 've come to the wrong committee to try and get like a cash handout , but er we do appreciate the problems of putting on entertainments , and bops on campus .
6 He 's a very , very emotional , unstable dictator , who 's just been determined somehow to exploit his position geographically , in the Middle East , to try and emerge as a sort of mini superpower , and to that end , he 's done a lot of terrible things , of which the invasion of Kuwait was really only one .
7 His family used to come and stay for a week every year in a cottage across the dale and Martin would come and visit me on a regular basis .
8 to come and talk like a child to yourself — no one is listening .
9 I invite her to come and sit at a table with Kurowski and me , but she prefers to remain on duty at the bar .
10 The consultation process usually takes the form of a letter describing the application and inviting you to come and look at a copy of the application and any drawings submitted with it .
11 Men have been known to write and ask for a picture of me in a bathing costume .
12 What actually happened was that she somehow became separated from the others , decided to walk to work and fell in a ditch on her way up the hill .
13 Lord Jesus , we cry to You that You will bring peace to those who use force to try to gain their selfish way ; use Your people to be peacemakers ; help us to work and pray for a world where You will be King .
14 The ‘ enlightened classes ’ failed to appear and respond to a creed forged in their supposed interests : the propaganda of luces could no more create in Spain a bourgeoisie in the French image than the propaganda of free trade , half a century later , could create an English middle class .
15 She has always been interested , and taken part , in physical exercise , and was introduced to Medau through Joan Daniels ' first class in 1966 ; June enjoyed it so much she went on to train and qualified as a Medau teacher in 1974 .
16 Pauline Kenward , the Society 's Chairman , who comes from Reigate first became interested in Medau in 1968 when she joined Margaret Charlwood 's class ; from there she went on to train and qualified as a teacher in 1974 .
17 The backhand slash completing the figure-of-eight sped unerringly for the doomed man 's neck , and an instant later his severed head somersaulted high in the air , to bounce and roll to a stop on the mat several feet away .
18 Teeth which are permanent fixtures can evolve complex shapes , fitting precisely with their partners in the opposite jaw , making it possible to chew and slice in a way not open to most reptiles .
19 The man behind him , holding the Skorpion with practised casualness , not the careful tension of one unused to handguns ; balanced , relaxed , self-confident , knowing he could bring the machine-pistol to aim and fire in a fraction of a second .
20 Tektronix says that PCs , even with the 486 , are far slower , that hidden costs such as graphics cards make them more expensive , that TCP/IP is hard to install and maintain on a PC , and that X-terminals are easier to administer .
21 It would n't last , because it never did , and the end of October might even bring the first tentative snows of winter — but until then people would continue to be caught out , and to shiver and sweat as a penance for their gullibility .
22 However , out of its ruin , yet composed from its constituent parts , a new machine began to thrive and grow with a power of its own .
23 Yes , so she just and she 'd like to go and teach for a living , .
24 ‘ You do n't need to go and work as a librarian abroad , for God 's sake .
25 If you want to learn more about horses you either have to go and work in a training yard or enrol for a college-based course — right ?
26 She hated school and left at sixteen to go and train in a riding stables to be an instructor .
27 So he told me to go and ask for a job there .
28 She had arranged to go and live with a niece , whose husband was out of work ; the couple would look after the old lady together .
29 One is to minimize the significance of possible semantic differences between variants , and the other is to acknowledge and use as a foundation for the analysis the interrelationships between syntax , semantics and discourse .
30 She really could not bear to sit and listen for a minute longer , as she explained to Bernard , to the lies of the imperialist lackeys .
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