Example sentences of "[to-vb] to the same [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But she could never hope to participate to the same degree in his excitement and his passion .
2 He was able to go to the same home for respite care , at first for two weeks in and six weeks at home , on a rota .
3 Crowds were composed of groups of family , friends , or work-mates tending to go to the same part of the ground and recognizing those around them .
4 We will treat active and passive as truth-conditionally equivalent and used on the whole to refer to the same state of affairs ’ ( Weiner and Labov 1983 : 32 ) .
5 A cell that will respond to somebody in full face will fail to respond to the same person in profile .
6 Women still , on the whole , have to achieve more than men to get to the same level in certain ways , but I think basically it 's this question of choice .
7 Elizabeth was to return to the same church for her own wedding five years later ; she and young Benjamin Titford were married there on 24 January 1808 .
8 PF1/1 — the BREAKOUT key allows you to break out to a VMS subprocess , and to return to the same field on completion .
9 The plan was to return to the same group of airfields , on the assumption that the garrisons would hardly expect them back quite so soon .
10 I am ashamed to admit to the same bafflement on hearing Dr Sylvia Earle — algalogist , marine biologist and self-promoter extraordinaire — extolling the virtues of a moving and storage firm in a radio advertisement .
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