Example sentences of "[to-vb] in [art] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He receives for his employment a take home pay of seventy three pounds per week , he lives with his parents and pays a board of twenty pounds per week he 's fortunate in that his employer takes him to work in the mornings but he has to catch the bus home in the evening and at lunchtime on Saturdays which costs him seven pounds forty .
2 He 's fortunate in that his employer takes him to work in the mornings but he has to catch the bus home in the evening and a at lunchtime on Saturdays which costs him seven pounds forty .
3 What we do at the end of the year we have n't quite worked out , but we are very much committed to sharing child care and professional space if you like , but we are very privileged in that academic work allows one the flexibility to work in the hours that you find convenient and so on and allows you the flexibility to make this kind of family arrangement .
4 Even Mahmoud , however , could not get them to work in the afternoons and he too , like Owen , normally used the afternoons to catch up on desk work and reading .
5 Rolls-Royce were swift to establish in the courts that their purchase of the trademark Bentley overrode their contract with him , which had banned his own use of his name for ten years only .
6 Oh yes , I used to be known in , in , in , in my area as the kitchen man , you know , and sort of , people used to talk in the pubs and they 'd say , oh well you know , my missus wants a new kitchen .
7 ‘ Look , neither of you have to participate in the conjurations if you do n't want to .
8 So Deborah had to be content to ride on a tree branch every Saturday morning on her way to Pack Meeting but she did long to be on the back of a real pony again and to help in the stables as she used to do , and learn how a pony should be shoed , cared for and fed , and to know and do the other things required to pass the Pony Rider test .
9 But erm I remember er we used to play in the houses as they were
10 Is that what he has been seeking to negotiate in the references that he made to the limitations on deficits ?
11 I mean if you 're going to sort of er er dr vary your driving a little bit to put in the techniques that you think should be put over , that 's good .
12 Each of them had a job to do in the mornings before they left for school .
13 Platt has had to wait in the wings because he is one of four foreign players fighting for the permitted three places .
14 Mcduff came with him to sit in the shelves and they took it in turns to keep watch .
15 To hold the pound within its margins the system requires a member country to intervene in the markets when its currency diverges 75 per cent of the way to its permitted fluctuation margins , either side of the central rate .
16 I have n't had much chance to run in the mornings since you arrived .
17 The Samaritans have threatened to call in the police if I do not stop pestering them with phone calls , and Alcoholics Anonymous refuse to come out for a drink and discuss my problem .
18 But the room was not well lit and she thought it wiser to live in the shadows as she did not want to explain why she looked ill .
19 ( Gene Hackman was to feature in the plays when they got to New York . )
20 The version that Bethel was working towards in this statement was not precisely the road that the CNAA was to take in the mid-1980s but it was an outline model of development at the end of the 1970s which attempted to go beyond the decisions contained in the CNAA 's 1979 document .
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