Example sentences of "[pos pn] work at the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The post is sponsored by MoMart and culminates with an exhibition of my work at the Gallery in August/September '91 .
2 The limit to which the RCM was prepared to go in this matter was revealed in March 1939 , when Grunpeter was told that his salary was to be held to £2 a week , a sum ‘ which will make it impossible to continue my work at the camp as resident minister ’ .
3 Modigliani was among the painters who showed their work at the studio in the narrow street off Boulevard Montparnasse in 19 16 .
4 This is not an argument against neat presentation of work , but you may need to prepare pupils to find ways of recording their work at the speed of their thought .
5 The Government must try to arrange its business to ensure that the Commons does not have all its work at the beginning of the session and the House of Lords has all its work at the end .
6 Its machinery had to be capable of carrying out the role in relation to those institutions now designated as polytechnics — which , as we have seen , were far from homogeneous — and in relation to a large variety of other institutions with one or another proportion of its work at the level of CNAA degrees .
7 As The Two Pheasants stood next door to his house , he was handy not only for his work at the church on the green , but also for his only pleasure .
8 For ten years he combined his work at the hospital with a specialist practice in mental deficiency at Earlswood .
9 She had become obsessed with Eliot and his work at the age of fourteen , after she had heard a recording of " The Journey of the Magi " : " It was extraordinary , " she said later , " that I felt I just had to get to Tom , to work with him . "
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