Example sentences of "[pos pn] [coord] [pos pn] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , workaholism does exist when the sufferer simply can not stop doing his or her work in order to suppress uncomfortable emotions or change a disordered mood and despite severe negative consequences to his or her family and to the rest of a balanced life .
2 Having become aware of the difference , a deep-seated bias often becomes evident as the individual concludes that his or her way of thinking and behaving is better just because it is different .
3 The Christian who puts his or her trust in reason commits the folly of hubris , putting faith in something that is human .
4 The main consideration ought to be whether the offence is one which makes the employee unsuitable for his or her type of work or unacceptable to colleagues .
5 Caterers are most likely to come into contact with industrial tribunals if one of their past or present employees refers a matter to the tribunal with regard to his or her contract of employment .
6 This collective picture is then reflected back to the sufferer with the recommendation that he or she finds out whether his or her contemporaries in treatment observe the same picture .
7 His or her patterns of sleep and wakefulness are determined by an intrinsic cyclical patterning of alternation of behavioural activity and sleep states , modulated by demands of hunger and thirst , which commonly resolves into a four-hour " day " by the end of the first month .
8 If the manager lacks the chance to engage in a fully collegial approach , if he or she can only find or make time for the essential step of ingesting or thinking new ideas in an atmosphere of enforced professional seclusion , does this obscure his or her clarity of mind ?
9 These include goals and targets agreed by each expert with his or her head of department which the expert will be required to attain over the coming year .
10 In principle , an applicant who should have brought his or her case under Ord. 53 , but did not , will lose : there is no provision under which the case can continue as if begun in the correct way .
11 This is best explained , not by suggesting that they do not have interests in common or that they are satisfied with things as they are , but by attending to the crushing significance of those ideas in society which preach that to be poor is an individual 's own fault and reflects his or her lack of preparedness to study and train , to work hard , to postpone having a family , or what have you .
12 This is not to deny the significance of the creative individual , but his or her efforts at innovation can only be really sustained when they take root in and pervade the school as a whole .
13 A local authority applicant may call a parent as witness and compel his or her attendance at court by issue of a witness summons , where necessary ( see Chapter 5 , 14(c) ) .
14 In this method , the attainment of a child at the time of the test is compared with his or her attainment at time of entry to the school .
15 Their effectiveness as a resource depends on the range of purposes to which the learner discovers they may be put from his or her experience of interaction with other speakers .
16 The school manager , in contrast to his or her experience of GCSE , here has to struggle for clarity — a struggle which is made no easier by the over-simplified statements of policy about the unification of general and vocational education which are made by central government and by its political opponents .
17 Confusing : A sufferer may be highly intelligent , have a responsible job , be very caring and concerned for his or her family and yet still be drawn by this compulsion to use his or her drug of choice and , as a result , progressively to destroy everything of value .
18 The scheme was that a depositor should formally transfer and assign part of his or her deposit to family members or close friends ‘ who can be trusted . ’
19 Another is the power of the Attorney General to ‘ lend his or her name to relator proceedings ’ .
20 The child , from his or her position of vulnerability , will accept this and will often keep silent — sometimes for years .
21 A ward of court can not be taken out of the jurisdiction of the court , nor can any change be made in his or her position in life , without leave of the court .
22 In this novel the reader is the one irreducible gap or ‘ spot of indeterminacy ’ which roves the text at will and fills holes in his or her knowledge on whim .
23 Hence , where a particular company , individual or government is not observing Community law , the person who is adversely affected by this failure may commence an action to enforce his or her rights under Community law ; this may have profound effects .
24 Not all of them provide that ‘ sure touch ’ — that firm but gentle control of the rudder which is what gives the child his or her sense of direction .
25 However , a person who based his or her sense of worth entirely on achievement would be much more likely to succumb to depression in the event of such employment problems .
26 Where a member of the Parliamentary Labour Party is representing this party in parliament for the first time the above ( normal ) procedure shall be set in motion not earlier than eighteen months after his or her election as Member of Parliament .
27 The computer interface was secretly operational , sorting through the Mormons ' old listings of everybody who had ever left a record of his or her life on earth .
28 In simple terms , a well-educated work-force is necessary to meet the needs of an industrial age , and an education will equip a person to play his or her part in society .
29 The sufferer attempts to gain control by changing his or her pictures of reality to conform to the pictures of perception of how life should be .
30 Self-monitoring in a busy classroom is not easy , yet the need for training in the skills of classroom discourse is evident ; as part of that training the trainee or serving teacher needs to be able to objectify his or her modes of discourse in order to begin to improve them .
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