Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] and [verb] off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I cradled the gun in my arms and set off at Emergency Speed , hurtling down the path back to the island at maximum , trusting to luck and adrenalin that I would n't put a foot wrong and end up lying gasping in the grass with a multiple fracture of the femur .
2 A hawk had swooped low over the field of play , picked up the ball in its claws and flown off with it .
3 Realising that there was more snow on the way , she clenched her teeth and set off for the moors .
4 Often there 's a lot of , that people erm do or do n't do that you , you ca n't erm go along with when people are wanting terminations of pregnancy or , or they 're thinking of leaving their husbands and going off with somebody else then you just have to listen to what they say and put the facts as you see them in front of them .
5 They watched the three girls pair off with their brothers and go off in different directions .
6 Blackbirds hopped — and paused , heads to one side , then cocked their tails and took off with much commotion to sing full-throatedly from the treetops .
7 She might as well cut her losses and take off for Phobos or Longevity , see if there was anything there , see if there was anyone that had n't flown down for carnival .
8 Jezrael lurched stiffly to her feet and lumbered off at a run .
9 Only he had watched , fascinated , as the pool of blood collecting around the spilt innards suddenly burst its confines and set off down the road , finding its way slowly and with difficulty , its bright fresh surface soon matted with dust and drowning insects .
10 Our visitors rose , said their farewells and walked off across the court again .
11 Armed only with a false beard , a small knife and a lot of cheek , Mr Vendu would cut the paintings out of their frames and walk off with them ; he even took a Renoir from the Louvre .
12 There was little danger that his pictures ( which were valued at hundreds of pounds ) would devalue the currency or be torn out of their frames and passed off as real banknotes : his jury acquitted after retiring for only ten minutes .
13 In terror , she lifted her skirts and ran off into the village , proclaiming loudly that ‘ the diel ’ was in Alloway kirk .
14 Soon Yvonne will be packing her bags and jetting off to Greece for a holiday in the sun .
15 We watched the men bundle up their parachutes and move off through the dense undergrowth , chopping at it with jungle machetes .
16 When the daylight drained from the winter sky , like steel growing cold , some of the humans got into their vehicles and drove off down the lane .
17 During the war he sold his interest in his galleries and went off to war ; following this six-year closure he reopened the Hans Road gallery but decided not to reopen the American galleries ; it was hard enough to get the good material for one shop .
18 Sharpe slammed back his heels and took off down the road as if the demons of hell were at his heels .
19 Taskopruzade and Mecdi assign this event to the reign of Bayezid I ( 1389–1402 ) , saying that as a result of a quarrel between Molla Fenari and that sultan , the former abandoned his posts and went off to Karaman where the emir gave him a salary of 1,000 akce a day and each of his pupils 500 akce a day .
20 Waggoner quietly got to his feet and walked off down the 17th .
21 Then he scrambled to his feet and hared off between the trees .
22 The priest staggered to his feet and waddled off with an air of drunken disdain .
23 While the creature sought height for another sweep Hrun scrambled to his feet and set off at a dead run for the woods at the edge of the arena .
24 Nearly fifty years ago a posh , lanky young man packed his bags and made off into the undergrowth of England .
25 Godolphin only had to pick up the encyclopaedia and he was ready to put on his boots and set off for the Dominions again .
26 She simply got up , scrambled some old jeans on , pinched one of his shirts and went off on her bike .
27 So we gritted our teeth and set off along the Pyg-motorway past the army 's blasted and unforgivable folly , writhing and frothing and swearing and laughing aghast — the vapours thickening the while , so that when we looked down from Bwlch Moch , Llydaw was rimless , leaden obscurity and our hair mist-beaded like grizzled Rastafarians .
28 Fortified for a final fight , we stuffed everything into our sacks and set off on the laborious slog back up Coire Raibeirt for a buffeted race against darkness over the plateau and down to the vast , eerily deserted car park .
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