Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] the same way " in BNC.

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1 I would be grateful if you could try to protect my interests in the same way .
2 Even before Branshaw is let to an American , to whom his tenants do not raise their hats in the same way , the house has already begun to alter :
3 If our tea and lunch breaks could be structured on the lines of the ancient Egyptians I am sure that by 10.30am each day there would be a smile on the face of each and every member of staff ; and if we could ensure that all our members were treated by their employers in the same way , our membership figures would double instantly .
4 Gandhi speaks of loving enemies and reacting to their wrongdoings in the same way as you would react to the wrong-doings of friends and relatives .
5 The attraction between the positive and negative electricity was supposed to keep the electrons in their orbits in the same way that the gravitational attraction between the sun and the planets keeps the planets in their orbits .
6 To pick out just a few examples : grandparents treat their grandchildren in the same way whether they live in Aberdeen or London ; middle-class people use money to support their close relatives in similar ways whether they live in Swansea , Sheffield or London ; people use their kin network to help them find employment whether they live in Glasgow , Basildon or Corby .
7 But Mrs Taylor concedes that this is unavoidable ( ‘ No two companies analyse their costs in the same way , ’ she says ) , and feels that ‘ the insights from the exercise justify the efforts involved ’ .
8 The Bidlakes sent back their instructions in the same way , and were able to keep following England 's march all the way to the final in Melbourne .
9 According to market researchers International Data Corp , a survey of 500 major corporate users showed that although 39% will continue to use their mainframes in the same way as they always have , a massive 61% want to downsize .
10 According to market researchers International Data Corp , a survey of 500 major corporate users showed that although 39% will continue to use their mainframes in the same way as they always have , a massive 61% want to downsize .
11 The lesson was not wasted on Renaissance princes , who adopted individual portraiture on their own coins , in the hope that these would survive as lasting memorials to their achievements in the same way as Roman coins had ; this adoption of portraiture thereby laid one of the foundations of modern coin design .
12 Remember that it 's perfectly natural for the other fish to eat the fry and that unless you take steps to prevent it , the fry will have to take their chances in the same way as they would in the wild .
13 Cotton marketed himself and his talents in the same way .
14 I am not saying that a bream leader dishes out orders to his underlings in the same way that an army commander does .
15 I would agree with the suggestion in your letter of 8 June that it would be good working practice for your association to collect Council Tax from your tenants in the same way as you collected rates in the past .
16 Lack of sufficient oxygen affects our bodies in the same way .
17 Perhaps you know them over the garden wall to speak to you , you might even know their children by name and you know their christian name , but beyond that I think it 's true to say , even making allowance of generation gaps that you do n't know your neighbours in the same way that you knew your neighbours in London .
18 We start to lose control of our minds in the same way that muscular tension is often out of our control .
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