Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [v-ing] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I had fallen asleep , squatting behind a buttress of the church of St Nicholas long after curfew , my lips blue , my teeth chattering with the cold .
2 I am thinking about my spectacles lying on the desk before me as I write .
3 Only the sound of the engine , and my eyes shifting from the mist and the road to take covert glances at his face ; I knew no more about him now than when I first met him , except what he had told me on the flight down from Mexico .
4 I sat up for the next few nights , my head poking out of the back skylight of the loft , my ears straining for the tinkle of glass breaking or muffled curses , or the more usual signal of the birds being disturbed and taking flight , but nothing more happened .
5 But as I sat with my legs dangling over the edge , looking out on to the quiet water meadow , the anarchy of Delhi seemed far away and I began to see why in all the most sensible cultures , Paradise was envisaged as a walled pleasure garden .
6 ‘ At 18 miles I saw my parents standing in the crowd and this lifted me tremendously .
7 Of course it is easy to look back now and say , well , would anyone have noticed if I had left my shoes lying around the changing room instead of buckling them up inside my satchel when I changed into my gym kit for classes with the Butcher ?
8 Miss Jarman went on : ‘ What I wo n't stomach is thieving , hypocrisy , canting men , niggers , or my servants getting into the family way .
9 As I stood with my hands resting on the stone of the bridge , the door of the hotel was again thrown open .
10 the structured thought patterns I found that the most important because when I was up at the table on the second presentation I was able to have my thoughts relating to the layout already and with in fact just the single element of the subject shown on my paper I could immediately focus on that and in fact give the details of that right the way through .
11 With my burdens lying against the brickwork of the bridge , I walk on along the same narrow path that now begins to climb the side of a rather bald looking hill .
12 ‘ She was in school uniform but she made such an impact on me I nearly burst my tyres driving along the pavement , ’ Sarah says .
13 They had come back as a fleet , their sails bellying out under the south-westerly gale , the men shouting to each other across the water to compare catches , and their womenfolk waiting on the beach to help with the unloading and to make a start on the gutting and salting and packing .
14 Sligos SA , France 's second largest software and services company , has put all its activities relating to the manufacture of Smart Cards into its Solaic subsidiary .
15 It was as if they were really desperate and they knickers round their ankles running into the toilet !
16 Behind him were a crowd of men and horses ; Hearthwares in full armour , their breaths steaming in the coolness of the morning , Myrcans standing impassively , indifferent to the cold but nodding to Isay as he approached , and a pair of pack mules trying to bite each other 's manes .
17 You 're supposed to be able to hear its bells ringing under the sea at New Year 's Eve . ’
18 His horse spun wildly , but the grypesh held on , one of its claws digging into the leather of the saddle , the other curled round Riven 's calf .
19 And once he had heard Sweetheart coming down the stairs , her high-heels ringing on the stone steps , and he had thrown the stolen food in Rosie 's corner in a panic .
20 A long-standing Taiwanese prohibition on its entertainers performing on the mainland was lifted in February 1990 and restrictions on academic exchanges were also eased .
21 A mumbled , incoherent sound bubbled and surfaced in her throat , and she clung to him for support , her fingers twisting in the silk of his shirt .
22 Her fingers running through the ruff of fur around the cat 's neck tightened as Jehan spoke , and the cat yowled and it bit playfully at her hand .
23 The long stake is ridiculed by the theory merchants , and no doubt will be so again , but when they have had the practical experience , as I have , of losing hundreds of trees through their necks breaking under the weight of an Easter snowstorm , they will learn the commonsense of long staking .
24 Ca n't you hear her teeth chattering in the night ?
25 The deer raised their heads , scented , and sped into the woods , the white flashes on their rumps bobbing against the green of the field .
26 Simon spoke to the old woman who suddenly burst into a spate of words , her rags shaking with the energy of what she was saying .
27 Knowing that half of Scotland had left their cars sitting in the middle of roads to make sure that they could get to the gig is not so much my horror story as the police 's , she chuckled .
28 A recent police swoop in and around Durban brought 45 arrests and 15 had to appear in court for failing to dismantle their homes according to the deadline .
29 For all their adult lives they are solitary polyps , glued to the rock , their tentacles waving in the water ready to trap prey that may touch them .
30 Then Brown Owl called to the Brownies who were left and made them lie with their heads pointing towards the swampland , then with the last two Brownies she made an arrowhead , like this : —
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