Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [vb past] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I tried to look straight ahead until I reached the top , then I entered our attic room and stood there as my eyes accustomed themselves to the dim light .
2 I felt strange , almost disembodied , but my feet carried me to the green door and I pushed it open .
3 My senses took me through the bars that confined me .
4 I used to wear jeans and jackets and shirts but my parents burned them on the same day my dad beat me up , and after that I had to wear saris .
5 My parents accused me of the murder of my brother .
6 I was very glad that my acquaintances escorted me to the Metro , with instructions to change at Dentfert-Rochereau for the Cité Universitaire , where I had managed to book a room in the Pavillon Franco-Britannique .
7 ‘ In the end , however , Torpedo stole the game from us despite the fact that my players ran themselves into the ground .
8 The second day continued where the first day left off : four catches by Hick to equal the record for a Test against Pakistan originally set by the little-remembered spinner Jim McConnon of Glamorgan in 1954 , and then my researches led me to the remarkable fact that John Birch , who played for Notts from 1973 to 1988 , was known as ‘ Bonk ’ .
9 My men found him in the garden , not in the house .
10 My fins hit me in the chest .
11 ‘ For one thing , not one of my nurses knew anything about the project ; you 've kept them almost completely in the dark !
12 Her sons kissed her on the forehead .
13 And we would have seen how her eyes followed him to the door .
14 Her eyes beseeched him for the truth .
15 And , although the meeting of their lips had none of the searching hunger that they had shared before , there was something in the touch that reassured her .
16 Her obligations stared her in the face , but she did not flinch !
17 Despairing of ever finding any use for her , her parents sold her to the military , a callous practice common in the commercially minded years of the mid-twenty-fourth century .
18 At the chilly boarding-school to which her parents sent her in the mistaken belief that she would be less lonely among girls of her own age , the prizes for mathematics — a subject which she did n't particularly care for but which came easily to her — were framed reproductions of the works of Italian painters .
19 We talked a little till her cries took her into the little theatre .
20 ‘ Some people kept little trees in secret courtyards , and flowers in their houses , but they were n't supposed to , and if their neighbours reported them to the police the people would have their trees chopped down and the flowers taken away and they would be fined or put in prison , where they had to work very hard , rubbing out writing on bits of paper so they could be used again . ’
21 It was an awful noise like little kids you heard in the street when they fell down and their Mums dragged them along the pavement .
22 So I kept my mouth shut even as her hands lathered me in the colour of dirt .
23 Mary 's submission to her lords brought none of the forgiveness which they had implied .
24 Because the majority of college lecturers are probably afraid that they might lose their students if they abandoned lectures whilst the rest of their colleagues retained them as the primary teaching method .
25 His fingers laced themselves in the loose strands of her wet hair , pulling her head back so that her body was arched against him , forcing her to face the feverish gleam in the heavy-lidded grey eyes staring down at her so intently .
26 Conflicts with his superiors deprived him of the prospect of promotion , and at the age of twenty-five he found himself on the retired list , reduced to half pay in 1812 .
27 Of course , he did n't mean it , but just for a moment the implied tenderness in his words took her by the throat .
28 Despite the fact that Dement performed experiments after this one in which his subjects showed none of the psychiatric symptoms with REM sleep deprivation , and that he himself made clear how his early observations were probably misleading about the effects of REM sleep deprivation , the idea that dreaming preserved sanity had been strongly reinforced .
29 He was so large that he seemed to fill the tiny area with his presence , and as he sat down his knees brushed hers beneath the table .
30 Inevitably , his steps led him in the end to the Corso , where the evening promenade was in progress .
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