Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [to-vb] from the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Dutch , still reluctant to act without Britain , reserved their right to withdraw from the talks if they disliked the outcome .
2 Earlier Romantic interests in dream , haunting and death were revivified by Odilon Redon 's lithographs and drawings and transposed into a mawkish fascination with human decollation and disembodiment ( a prescient subject of much Surrealist interest later ) , witness perhaps of his desire to escape from the strictures of the body where only material limitation and disease existed — the concerns of eschatology , sexuality and mysticism certainly haunted Redon as they do so much Symbolist thought .
3 Mr Browning was no less solicitous but she read exasperation in his advice to turn from the Gospels to the Psalms , ‘ which may have a calming influence ’ .
4 At one point , instead of offering orders or advice , he jumped off his bench to hollow from the sidelines : ‘ What the ***** going on out there ? ’
5 I like to remind myself , from time to time , of Lord Macnaghten 's remark that he did not think that the framers of the Irish Land Act were to blame for not assuming that a judge would go out of his way to derogate from the rights of a third person who had nothing whatever to do with the matter in hand .
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