Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [coord] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe I mentioned about the fillings coming out on this side of my mouth and at the back , so I ca They took it out in my living room and hypnotized me to forget , hypnotized walking about in my sleep with it , to sleep , got me in the chair and done it , got out of the house , programmed me to go to that dentist in , which I did do instead of going to Mr at .
2 She paced the room , staring out of the window until the view became too monotonous to continue watching , looking at her watch and at the door , and was about to leave when she heard the porter turning the key in the lock .
3 Ronni scowled at him , suddenly filled with alarm at the way his arm was round her waist and at the way her body longed to sink unresisting against it .
4 She accompanies Lucie and her child to Paris during the Reign of Terror , when Darnay has been imprisoned , and forcibly prevents Madame Defarge from discovering their escape but at the cost of her own hearing ( she is permanently deafened by the accidental firing off of Mme Defarge 's pistol during their struggle ) , TTC i 4 et seq .
5 An order is not to be made under the section if the company entered into the transaction in good faith and for the purpose of carrying on its business and at the time there were reasonable grounds for believing the transaction would benefit the company : subsection ( 5 ) .
6 Marcella Tate was very pale and her skin was clear , almost transparent , so that fine bluish veins showed on her forehead and at the temples .
7 They can actually go and chase after a person outside the station if if that is their their wish and at the moment that is erm that will continue to be the case .
8 However , in second-half Wanderers raised their game and at the end of the day they just failed to get a point .
9 At the University , students are encouraged to take part in a sport or recreational activity of their choice and at a level which brings pleasure and satisfaction , whatever their ability or commitment .
10 She spoke about her life and at the end of the day she offered to iron out a last minute hitch when the pianist failed to turn up .
11 It 's just that you see so much of it , not just like staff like training managers and everything , they 're told to stick up and stick up for their training and at the end of the day it 's oh well , it 's the needs of the business and all that but aga the company this this
12 I asked her to come to see me on the day after her arrival and at the hour of sunset , the best time for the wonderful view that I then had to offer her .
13 At night the whole family slept in a rough shelter on the corner of their land and at the edge of the forest .
14 With the insertion of implants it could be carried out at any age , but the sensible option would be prophylactic mastectomy either at the completion of her family or at the menopause . ’
15 Angry at his ineffectiveness and at the way Rohmer had made him a bystander in this nightmare , Cardiff followed them back through the savage whirlwinds towards the office block .
16 They had been sitting at home ( unheated , before Anna put in the plumbing and the armchairs ) with cousins and priests coming to black coffee now and then while the prince was out on his horse or at the club .
17 Simon Parsons was last in his semi but at the line he was closing on Vekic of Jugoslavia .
18 He seemed to be having difficulty in controlling the muscles which worked in his forehead and at the corners of his mouth .
19 The segregation of servants from the family had already begun at Coleshill , the ancestor of the Palladian houses of the eighteenth century , where Roger Pratt , who believed that a house should be ‘ so contrived … that the ordinary servants may never publicly appear in passing to and from for their occasions there ’ , had given them separate rooms , adjacent to their masters , so that they no longer slept at his door or at the foot of his bed .
20 He claims he has lost over £250,000 in his life and at the age of 40 is forced to survive on state benefits of £63 .
21 He could sense her there behind him and felt the hairs rise along his spine and at the back of his neck .
22 If your card is lost , stolen or liable to misuse , you must immediately telephone and write to the Bank either at your branch or at the address at the beginning of these conditions .
23 And you 're tuned to Radio York on the Whale show until two and er now we shall probably although the phones are ringing at the moment erm run out of calls I should think because between one and two I know most of you are having your lunch or at the pub or whatever .
24 If you attend a discussion in your parish or at a synod :
25 Ask your doctor or at the family planning clinic .
26 Ask your doctor or at the family planning clinic .
27 You also have the choice of bed and breakfast or half-board arrangements , taking your evening meal in your hotel or at a restaurant close by .
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