Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] the [num ord] world " in BNC.

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1 The Empire reached its zenith after the First World War with the acquisition of former German colonies in Africa and with the addition of League of Nations mandates to govern parts of the old Ottoman Empire in the Middle East — Palestine , Jordan and Iraq .
2 The terrace parterre is to be restored to match its appearance during its heyday before the First World War , and an extensive programme of tree planting is under way to replace the losses of recent years .
3 American and Britain are partly responsible for the way the Russians are now cos we finance most of their industry in the second World War
4 The family historian who visits such a place would find it hard to believe that it was once the home of a mere waggoner if he had not seen old photographs that show its condition before the First World War .
5 It is difficult to generalise , but we all thought that the pupils related their work on the Second World War to the current conflict in the Gulf .
6 It should be Christians , and not only Marxists , who assert that capitalism too easily turns a blind eye to its exploitation of the Third World .
7 While ‘ planning ’ in these various guises seemed to find its moment in the Second World War , it also drew upon a long evolution of social and political thought which stretched back to before the Great War .
8 The nationalist movements and the new nations which made their appearance after the Second World War thus displayed features which distinguish them in some ways from the earlier movements which led to the formation of nation states in Western Europe , because they arose in a very different international context — in a highly developed capitalist world economy , in the aftermath of a division of the world among powerful imperialist nations , and in the midst of political transformations resulting from the growth of the socialist movement .
9 This brought to an end a two-week crisis which had presented the first serious threat to communist rule in Albania since its establishment during the Second World War .
10 ‘ Give them suitable opposition that will help in their development towards the next World Cup .
11 From the 1970s on there has been a considerable surge of scholarly and public interest in the private media and , latterly , in their role in the Third World .
12 In 1924 it was decided to publish annually a Yearbook as a prospectus , and this continued until paper rationing caused its abandonment during the Second World War .
13 Thus , the reforms started a course which was the precise opposite of the emperor 's intention — moves to resist centralization , indeed , to secure greater decentralization , a process which ultimately led to the division of the empire in a Dual Monarchy , and ultimately its disintegration in the first World War .
14 Iran declared its neutrality in the First World war , but most Iranian sympathy lay with German because she was fighting Great Britain and Russia .
15 Taylor makes the point that one of one his members believes that while the banks had been more than generous in their lending to the third world and writing off significant sums , there was little , if any support , for the small business on their own doorstep .
16 Voices were raised in support of rounding up all foreigners , but the government was unwilling to go the way of its predecessor in the first world war and order a general internment .
17 At the time she was lodging with two ladies who had lost their brother in the First World War .
18 Benson 's at Brimscombe have transferred their production to the third world .
19 ‘ Dr Lambert is perhaps best known for his initiative in the First World War towards the production of respirators .
20 Scarborough seaman John Normandale has been posthumously awarded a Russian Convoy Medal in recognition of his bravery during the Second World War .
21 They sell goods direct from communities in developing countries and say they 're selling the briquetters to encourage Eric Lamont-Gregory in his quest to export his invention to the third world .
22 The inference which might be drawn from this analysis was that Eliot himself had conceived a homosexual passion for just such a young man and , when the article was reprinted four years after Eliot 's death , it was suggested to be Jean Verdenal , the Frenchman whom Eliot had met in Paris when he was a student there and to whom , after his death in the First World War , he dedicated Prufrock and Other Observations .
23 If there is a standard of comparison for the USSR 's wartime losses , it lies in McNamara 's statistics , rather than in our experience of the Second World War .
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