Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since I mention native speakers ' feelings in this connection , and since I am elsewhere rather sceptical about appeals to native speakers ' feelings , I had better explain that in this case my evidence comes from the native speakers of English I have taught in practical classes on transcription over many years .
2 and myself or as he was better known , came through B Seventeen Transition School at in Florida together and where the crews were formed so that the names in the Army of course are worked alphabetically , so everybody on my crew is trained with everybody on crew and their last name is just ahead erm in the alphabetic in the class that they were in , so that my navigator came from the same school , the same navigation class as .
3 The United States on March 24 announced its decision to withdraw from the International Sugar Organization ( ISO ) , which brought together all major producers and consumers of sugar .
4 SECRET talks were held yesterday between United States and North Korean representatives as Washington urged Pyongyang to reconsider its decision to withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty .
5 There is provision for the GAL to be separately represented if their recommendation differs from the young person , and if they are of sufficient age and understanding to instruct the solicitor themselves ( the GAL will advise solicitors about this ) .
6 Her mouth burned from the angry possession of that kiss , her lips were swollen , throbbing with tempestuous heat , and in the momentary stillness that followed they stood apart , facing each other like warriors poised in the midst of battle .
7 Its habitat extends from the cool mountain streams with a temperature of 66°F to the warmer regions where the water temperature barely goes below 70°F .
8 The Picture that had so nearly secured its hold faded from the refracting blankness in the instant it took Harry to realize what it was that Kingdom wanted from him .
9 Consequently , if young children really do lack the ability to handle explanations , their capacity to benefit from the early years of schooling will be severely restricted .
10 Much of their charm comes from the careful way that the characters were conceived .
11 This relief , it may be added , was matched for a while by the exemption of some forty villages in the West Riding in 1319 , and of 128 villages in the North Riding in 1322 , from lay taxes because of the scale of their poverty resulting from the Scottish raids .
12 Within the inn at Anoch , walled with thick turves of earth , wainscotted with wicker , and by its chimney distinguished from the other two huts nearby , the landlord and his daughter — no mention of a Mrs McQueen — served them a meal of eggs , chicken , sausage and mutton , with rum .
13 Its façade dates from the second half of the 18C and is by Josef Jägr , an Austrian from the Tyrol .
14 Nigel Hicks at Panmure Gordon feels that the market will consolidate around the three main players , with their share rising from the current 57% to around 70% .
15 The ocelot is an American cat like a small leopard ; its name comes from the Mexican ‘ ocelotl ’ , meaning jaguar .
16 ‘ Say take them off , child , ’ her grandmother corrected from the dim interior .
17 He could still make out the huge man-shape , lying face down , its outline glowing from the residual embers of the phosphorus , like a blackened , smoking tree trunk .
18 Her hand recoiled from the wooden panel as if it were red-hot , and she backed silently away .
19 The back seat , its padding springing from the slashed plastic , had been ripped out and hurled to one side .
20 My parents and Anne 's parents and Anne could so easily have had their holiday destroyed from the very beginning .
21 Since the tomato , being a member of the Solanaceae tribe which includes also the poisonous nightshades , was long regarded as a dangerous if not actually deadly fruit ( the potato and the aubergine , also of the Solanaceae family , have in their time suffered from the same associations ) presumably the mixture of vinegar and spices used in the early sauces were regarded as safety-devices against the possibly toxic effects of the fruit itself .
22 An hour later she was keeping it , sharing the small lift with him , keeping her face averted from the complacent look that painted his prepossessing face with an irritating blandness .
23 Some of Cade 's allies in the city were men of position , although the bulk of his support came from the poorer classes ( 128 , pp.111 , 115 ) .
24 Obtain as much information as you can about his argument , his willingness to shift from the present position .
25 The most serious opposition to his work came from the wealthy and respectable Sir Ralph Clare .
26 All this the Doctor and his group learn from the aged Keeper of the Conscience , Arbitan .
27 The test is whether the plaintiff has acquired an intangible property right for his product deriving from the distinctive nature of this material which is recognized by the market .
28 His confidence stems from the last two victories .
29 Jackson spoke softly , still looking out of the window , his head turned from the other man .
30 It takes little effort of the imagination to put oneself in Theo 's shoes , and feel the grey , correct , judicious side of his character flinching from the terrifying sincerity of Vincent 's outpourings .
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