Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] against the " in BNC.

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1 I let my mouth fall open and set my glass down heavily on the table , allowing my head to fall back against the chair and my eyes to close , in the imitation of unconsciousness .
2 He struck me hard across the mouth so that my head cracked back against the bathroom wall .
3 On Oct. 8 the United Kingdom had entered the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European monetary system of the European Communities ( EC ) , but at the subsequent European Council meeting in Rome Thatcher had been isolated in her opposition to an early move towards the second stage of economic and monetary union ( EMU ) and in the strength of her determination to hold out against the possible ultimate introduction of a single European currency [ see pp. 37782-73 ] .
4 Her head fell back against the chair and she fainted .
5 She gave him a quick amused glance , her head leaning back against the faded red of the alcove seat .
6 Her head sags back against the pillow .
7 She closed her eyes and allowed her head to loll back against the pillow .
8 Construct a safety bar ( which is removable ) just below the level of the lower stable door so that when you open the stable door your mare can still rush across , but her breast comes up against the bar .
9 Ellwood yanked , and the back of her skull slammed up against the bedhead .
10 It looked perfectly human , dressed in a grey , well-cut suit and black tie , its collar turned up against the cold , its hands thrust into its pockets .
11 Hari thrust her worries into the back of her mind and helped her mother to sit up against the pillows .
12 He pumped a shot into the breech and laid the gun on the portside cockpit settee , covering it with his shirt weighted down against the wind with the coiled stern line .
13 She spotted Nahum Morey in his rented pew , his legs outstretched and his head tipped back against the wood as if he were concentrating on the sermon 's message , but she was suddenly aware that their eyes were meeting .
14 He was sitting in the deckchair Candy had vacated by the time she returned , and for a second she thought he had fallen asleep , his head tilted back against the wooden spar of the chair , his eyes closed , their long black lashes casting shadows on his cheeks .
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