Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was my delicate duty to call on the distraught mother late at night .
2 My little stand to go with the microphone , I had it here probably fallen in my handbag .
3 I like to think he had faith in my common sense to turn in the right report .
4 Lenin and then Stalin turned Marx on his head by trying to use their political power to force through the creation of a modern industrial society as quickly as possible .
5 The rowing standard at Henley is famous throughout the world and people would give their right oar to race on the course , it 'll be every but as hard out there this year as any other .
6 Indeed , one interesting aspect of the budget will be the extent to which the Treasury revises its economic forecast to take in the realities of recession .
7 The effectiveness of courses was also heavily dependent on the degree of consistency and general agreement between the advisers , heads and coordinators who each had a role in the improvement of practice and who each brought their separate influence to bear on the teachers who attended the courses .
8 Across the aisle , Mrs Stych expanded her tremendous bosom to shout to the Lord in a wobbly soprano .
9 Orthodox Protestants doing no more than exercising their democratic right to protest against the paying of tribute to the Antichrist were taken to court and fined .
10 Pacifists of both religious and secular persuasions place their moral right to protest against the taking of life above their legal duty to wage war and to kill .
11 Sir Arthur 's award is in recognition of his long standing support for the university and Miss Cooper 's for her unique contribution to design in the ceramic industry .
12 In the sort of conflict situation in which Benjamin Spock ( 1946 ) would suggest ‘ distracting him to something interesting but harmless ’ or ‘ give him a graceful way out ’ ( from a temper tantrum ) , or where Susan Isaacs in 1932 tells the mother ‘ not to be too ready to treat any momentary defiance as an immediate occasion for a pitched battle of wills ’ , the Evangelicals and their followers were , on the contrary , eager to seize upon such an opportunity , since their battle was with the devil himself , and the child 's spiritual salvation at stake ; distraction was the last thing they would have advised , for it was their urgent intention to rouse in the young child a vivid appreciation of his own shortcomings , as being the quickest and most effective means of subjugating his will to higher authority .
13 The aim of such covenants is to protect the goodwill of the transferred business and to stop the vendor from using its privileged position to compete with the purchaser in a way likely to damage the value of the business transferred .
14 As she raised her little hammer to tap on the table , she wondered suddenly why the Advent had actually sent a reporter — they usually depended on the publicity secretary to supply them with a report .
15 ‘ You 're right , Dane , ’ she said tenderly , allowing her unguarded heart to speak for the first time .
16 Creditors were hoping to persuade Nigeria to abandon its long-standing refusal to borrow from the IMF in order to make funds available for a buyback of commercial debt .
17 Although the Duvalierists were prohibited from participating in the electoral process , their brutal disruption of the 1987 elections together with their current ability to operate outside the law , meant that most observers saw little prospect for the holding of free elections on Nov. 4 , as scheduled .
18 Deprived of other outlets they brought all their compressed energy to bear on the world of literature and ideas .
19 The Cabinet , however , regretted nothing , and , when Parliament re-assembled a week later , the government announced its firm intention to proceed with the new conscription plans .
20 The 53-year-old captain and his crew began their epic adventure to sail in the wake of Colummbus , at 8pm on Wednesday evening , but an injured crew member forced them to land two hours later 21 miles down the cost .
21 Eventually her grandmother came to rouse her , infuriated as always to see the lanky child leaning against the cornerpost of the verandah , craning her long neck to look between the palms at nothing .
22 At the High Court in Glasgow yesterday , the mother admitted causing her 21-month-old son to fall from the verandah to his severe injury and the danger of his life .
23 Two firemen roped themselves together and stripped off their heavy clothing to plunge into the 20ft deep lake in a desperate attempt to rescue the lads .
24 WHILE expensively-assembled Blackburn and Derby faltered in the Second Division promotion race , Charlton , who have no home or money to spend on players , continued their unlikely attempt to return to the First Division with a 2–1 win at FA Cup finalists Sunderland , writes Christopher Davies .
25 Puritans also believed it to be their pressing duty to agitate for the introduction of godly reforms into the church .
26 The island of Nevis has its own legislature ( consisting of five elected and three nominated members ) and executive which has exclusive responsibility for the island 's internal administration and through which its population may exercise its constitutional right to secede from the union with St Christopher .
27 She allowed her steady gaze to flicker from the glass which she had been holding firm .
28 The Eritreans want their educational system to contribute to the total transformation of this Red Sea country which has been under colonial occupation by Ethiopia since the end of World War Two .
29 Robyn let out a deep breath as she strolled up the dusty track , forcing her inflamed body to relax in the last vestiges of evening sun .
30 All life , he claims , strives in its forward movement to return to the quiescence from which it arose , a state it achieves finally in death .
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