Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had also , as it were , ‘ fallen in line ’ again , so that although I believed , my faith had been marked by a continuing lack of personal conviction .
2 My case had been destroyed by a rogue conveyor belt , ’ she said , wanting to explain her unconventional luggage .
3 All of my experience has been gained on what we know as the fast jets ; in the air defence role I have worked on the Lightning and in the ground attack role with both the Jaguar and Tornado .
4 Then all of a sudden my enthusiasm had been replaced with deep anxiety and apprehension for what actually lay ahead of me .
5 We 're talking about the way my sister has been devastated by your constant and intimate contact with her husband . ’
6 My clerk had been transferred to there .
7 I wondered , when I set off to get it , if my notoriety had been communicated on the jungle drums and if the promised purchase might still elude me , so I was especially glad to have it safely at home .
8 My jaw 's been broken in two places .
9 Over the past three years my department has been collaborating with a training programme for general practitioners based at the Conceicao Hospital in Porto Alegre , a large city in the southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul with a population of around 1.5 million .
10 Since you left me so abruptly , my mind has been teeming with a whole variety of things I 'd like to do to you . ’
11 Mr Bell said : ‘ My programme has been set for many weeks and every day is tied up . ’
12 All the contents of my locker had been tipped into a blanket .
13 I would drive a few yards through the gate marked ‘ private ’ and instantly be set upon by men wielding knobbly aluminium clubs , or I would return from the walk to find my car had been smelted into a set of folding tubular garden furniture .
14 My scepticism has been reinforced by the recent work of Frederick Crews , who for many years was a leading psychoanalytic critic in America .
15 MY work has been written in sand and after my death will disappear in a decade or so , ’ wrote August Bournonville ( 1805–79 ) , the Danish choreographer whose ballets are still in the repertory , and whom the Danes have been celebrating with yet another Bournonville festival in Copenhagen .
16 you ca n't hear me , right , ok , I 'll try and speak up a little bit louder , erm my work , I work erm here and I work abroad and I live in Durham , er I 'm a writer and erm one of the things that I 'm most interested in is using art as an inspiration for my work as a , as a writer and I 'd like to be able to show you by this talk , how I do that , erm , I have a few publications , my work 's performed by a local group actually based in Newcastle and I 'm a member of er a group called Another Story and my work 's been put to music by a composer and er a play and the play and sing that , that the pieces of
17 My plan had been to climb for hundreds of beautiful feet on one of Lakeland 's fine mountain crags with one of Lakeland 's fine mountain climbers , but it did n't happen .
18 ‘ Every step in my plan has been taken with the Divine help ’
19 In the space of four weeks , not only has the car been broken into , but the Health Centre has been robbed of computer hardware for our new cardiovascular screening programme , I have been threatened with violence in my consulting-room for refusing to prescribe opiates and my home has been burgled at 5.00 am by a seventeen-year-old wielding a club hammer .
20 My vehicle had been pushed through it .
21 My attention has been drawn to the item ‘ Managers should have conduct code ’ ( pg6 , September 30 ) .
22 The letter of 5 June 1992 from the Clerk of the House of Commons starts by saying , ‘ My attention has been drawn to the fact that the House of Lords may be asked to hear argument in this case based on the meaning or significance of words spoken during proceedings on a Bill in the House of Commons . ’
23 My attention has been drawn to the complex and inelegant Rehabilitation of Offenders Act , 1974 , and , in particular , to its possible consequences for children 's hearings .
24 MY ATTENTION has been drawn to the letter from Muriel Green ( HAS May 5 ) , chairwoman of the education committee , North Tyneside Council , in which she defends the comprehensive school ideal .
25 As the author of this publication , my opinion has been sought from time to time by dealers , other scholars and the auction rooms .
26 Earlier , my husband had been slumped in his chair , furtively picking his nose behind a detective story : now he was sitting upright , looking bright and alert and ten years younger , telling Flora that the Palais Jamai was a really marvellous old palace , an excellent example of Moorish architecture — Richard is often a little didactic .
27 My day has been spent in sleeping , reading a little , which at once made me think of you — and then , mostly , thinking of you , and feeling you so close …
28 I will store the incident with the others ; this one feels like the straw my back had been waiting for .
29 My name has been cleared of telling lies .
30 My wife has been looking at some furniture catalogues and tells me we would need about £1000 per chair .
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