Example sentences of "[to-vb] down [noun pl] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Any attempt to nail down individuals with the aid of rules and collective values seems doomed to vague and complex generalities .
2 We have also attempted to set down priorities for the Council .
3 Both Watanjar and Patkin were leading Khalqis , a detail that was stressed by the government in an attempt to play down divisions within the party .
4 erm It could be that erm with a different political regime , you might get a positive commitment not to run down things like the schools , the hospitals , British Leyland , erm British Airways , British Steel and the rest .
5 Truman struggled to keep down prices through the Office of Price Administration ( OPA ) — a wartime agency still in existence — but he had limited success .
6 Co-location of staffs would help to break down barriers between the Services , and the development of tri-Service staffs at lower levels would also build up the necessary expertise .
7 Stalin sought to lay down criteria for the identification of a ‘ nation ’ ( the entity which possessed the right of national self-determination ) as a means , a moral theory , to separate authentic and spurious claims .
8 Furthermore by taking an ideological rather than merely a dispositive approach he is able to lay down principles for the reconstruction of societas in the modern age .
9 The project aims not only to resettle youngsters who struggle to lay down roots in the capital , but to stop them heading South in the first place .
10 Two men talked their way into the home of two elderly sisters , pretending that they had come on behalf of neighbours to cut down trees in the garden .
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