Example sentences of "[to-vb] down [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think the Border clubs would have to sit down as a composite group and work out a new sevens structure . ’
2 When he was able to sit down for a brief breather , he received a telephone call from control saying that some twenty young bullocks had got loose on the railway line heading in his direction and would he keep a look out , with the thought that trains and cattle do not mix .
3 Is there a certain time when you always love to sit down with a relaxing drink and something to eat ?
4 He may however wish to go down to a detailed level , in which a sub-component of the domain is specified as having a fixed or moving relationship to a component or primitive of another domain , such as one " slotted into " the other .
5 Simon was made aware that he might find himself obliged to stand down as a Parliamentary candidate if he failed to make an honest woman out of the Press Lord 's daughter .
6 He needed to come down from a greater height than most .
7 for me meeting with Jim was to say , yes , that 's fine but if at the end of the day we have to train down to a certain level within our group , there 's no way can we afford five man-days of lost fees and fifteen hundred pounds .
8 Ken meanwhile was beginning to look down on a great deal of what he had been asked to do professionally .
9 As a patient bandaged from head to foot , Crawford had to deliver only one line , but he forgot it , lifted the bed sheet to look down at a prompt card and uttered the immortal words , ‘ Have you seen this , nurse ? ’
10 Our UK customers first began to look shaky and soon afterwards began to shut down at an alarming rate .
11 As compensation for Polly 's keeping the house , Preston had received the sum of twenty thousand pounds to put down on a small flat .
12 Down the hill from the village is King 's Road Lock from where relaunching is difficult although with care it is possible to climb down onto a floating baulk of timber moored on the left side .
13 Although most of the Mondays managed to knuckle down to a daily routine , rather than the usual blurred , night-time slog , stories continued to filter back to Britain that it was n't all hunky-dory in paradise .
14 His thoughts sway constantly between the desire to go on and the desire to settle down for a relaxed evening with a book in the secure knowledge that he wo n't have to go on .
15 Give yourself time to settle down with a new program before you draw the conclusion that it is so buggy as to be unusable .
16 The problem of interpretation is compounded in considering MPs occupation and interests ; it was not unusual for a young man from a landed family to be called to the Bar ( but not to practice ) , to serve in the armed forces ( but not to become a professional soldier ) , and then to settle down to a political career with several directorships .
17 So her former connection with Rustenburg , and the presence there of his brother , may have been among the considerations that prompted Herbert Cranko to choose that town when he found it necessary to settle down after a roving life .
18 Last month the local PRI rammed through a law postponing the state election for 18 months , only to back down after a national outcry .
19 If you make it a habit , you 'll soon find you are breathing evenly when you arrive and you wo n't feel the need to lie down in a darkened room to recover from your exertions !
20 It says … , ’ he held the fluttering sheet of foolscap firmly to the table , … we have to lie down against an inner wall — under the table if possible .
21 Do not waste valuable height trying to fathom out how to get down in an unsuitable field .
22 Grant 's heart leapt into his mouth and he was convinced Larsen was going to lose his nerve , then his grip on the rope , to plummet down to an unthinkable death .
23 When they were about twenty yards from the house , Jackie signalled them to crouch down behind a large bush covered in strange waxen blooms , like roses , only they were n't .
24 Sometimes , such defences can be almost impossible to break down on a person-to-person level .
25 The basis of support for this pattern of continued authoritarian government will become less localist , simply because of the size of the urban population , and because tribal identities will continue to break down in an urban environment .
26 He wants to move down to a smaller house in Weybridge .
27 A very few forward-looking companies follow up on these courses by allowing employees to cut down to a four-day week from six months before retirement , reducing again to a three-day week in the last three months .
28 It was little wonder that , during this time , Gergiev proved difficult to pin down for a promised meeting .
29 Although we will clarify it in the course of this study , multimedia is hard to pin down to a rigid definition .
30 Pig 64 , on the other hand , are as difficult to pin down as a greased pig on rollerskates .
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