Example sentences of "[to-vb] its [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Under his benign regime , Thatcherism as a model of social transformation will continue to work its way through the system .
2 This has given time for the ‘ marked ’ isotope to work its way through the environment much more thoroughly than in Turin .
3 Chao 's comment above about Chinese verbs having no voice refers to the fact that the form of the verb in Chinese does not change to indicate its relationship with the subject of the clause .
4 The USA had been withholding agreement to the guarantees to indicate its displeasure with the absence of progress towards a peace settlement .
5 In 1968 the Commission responded to requests from industry to indicate its view of the application of the competition rules to cooperation between enterprises by issuing a formal Notice .
6 Will the Prime Minister join me in reaffirming that no group either using or supporting violence will be allowed by any Government to bomb its way to the conference table ?
7 Among the painted sculptures from the first decade of his activity as an abstract artist are ‘ Midday ’ ( 1960 , MOMA , New York ) , ) , ‘ Prairie ’ ( 1967 , NGA , Washington ) and ‘ Early One Morning ’ ( 1962 ) which the Tate Gallery was persuaded to loan only after Caro had agreed to supervise its restoration at the end of the exhibition .
8 While his explanations do not seem clearly to separate older arguments about managers under- or over-investing from the impact of the business-cycle stage itself , it does seem clear that investment at the right time , i.e. early in the product life-cycle , does lead to increased ROI if management is able to establish its product in the market place and control costs .
9 Like all mammals , dolphins need air to live , and the first act of life of a newly-born dolphin is to find its way to the surface to breathe .
10 Will he draw attention to the National Coal Board 's policy of closing pits , because when a pit is closed not only is low-sulphur coal lost in many cases , but the methane is then allowed to find its way to the surface ?
11 Her book is not a comprehensive history of English garden design , but a much chancier , though equally delightful narrative depending for its emphasis on what happened to find its way into the collection .
12 An exciting implication , by analogy with certain tumour cells that express Lewis-X and metastasize to the lungs and liver ( the two major systemic organs through which schistosomes migrate ) , is that this sugar provides a means for the parasite to find its way around the host .
13 Its jangly ‘ little-bit-of-bread-and-no-cheeeeese ’ song was heard all summer long , and we used to find its nest among the ryegrass .
14 The planning movement of the 1930s was to find its apotheosis in the conduct of the war and the plans for post-war reconstruction in almost every field from social security to new town development .
15 But Cecil 's string was struggling to find its form at the time and Rainbow Lake could manage no better than a modest sixth to subsequent Derby fourth Cairo Prince .
16 It is the main medium on which the government relies to communicate its message to the public , especially to rural communities .
17 It is the main medium on which the government relies to communicate its message to the public , especially to rural communities .
18 Bruce , defending the expansion of university extra-mural work since the war , saw the future role of the WEA primarily as a student-body rather than as one with a teaching responsibility , ‘ an organisation of all adult students ’ with little or no emphasis on the working-class element : ‘ in the general interest , it would seem best … for the WEA to concentrate its attention upon the stimulation and organisation of demand … all but the most elementary pioneer work could become the responsibility of Extra-Mural Departments or local authorities ’ with the WEA left as ‘ the mouthpiece of lively , conscious student demand ’ .
19 For them it was a pilgrimage , peregrinatio ; and this underlines the major purpose in the eyes of most crusaders — to go to Jerusalem , to secure its freedom from the Turk , to visit the holy places .
20 Research can help a company to position its product in the market .
21 The constitutional crisis was further intensified when , on April 6 , the New Foundland legislature voted to rescind its ratification of the Accord .
22 The moment Hungary began to dismantle its part of the Iron Curtain , hundreds began to leave .
23 If one took analogies seriously and from such a definition … of ‘ so-called primitive capitalist accumulation ’ , then literally the whole of capitalism , right up to its death would end up in the ‘ pre-history ’ of capitalism : for capitalism obtains surplus profits from ‘ third persons ’ throughout its entire existence ; there is and will be no such stage in the life of capitalism when profits were not to come its way on the basis of exploitation of third persons .
24 Throughout the black ‘ homelands ’ and adjacent African territories of modern Southern Africa the station continues to bear its reputation as the beginning of the migrant trail to labour in the ‘ white ’ economy .
25 The railway companies built stations to accommodate passengers who never materialized , to flatter a vanity which was shortly to meet its fall in the face of both economic recession and the rise of alternative modes of transportation .
26 Plastic card investment : Barclays Bank looks set to tighten its stranglehold on the processing of plastic card transactions and will invest more than £22.5m in the service .
27 There were reports on June 26 that the Lezghin population of Daghestan ( Russia ) and northern Azerbaijan was threatening civil disobedience to obtain its demand for the creation of a unified Lezghin state .
28 Mr Knox has consistently denied previous reports that Scottish Amicable was seeking to increase its stake in the Bank of Edinburgh .
29 The Development Office set about the business of fundraising and , in November , we were delighted to receive news that The Robertson Trust wished to increase its support for the extension , leaving the University with a fraction of the bill to pay .
30 French President François Mitterrand 's visit to Israel and Jordan in late November demonstrated the French government 's desire to increase its involvement in the peace process .
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