Example sentences of "[to-vb] what they [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But he argues that the benefits were ‘ too small and too short-term for us to know what they meant in the long-term ’ .
2 The other of course we have to know what they want in the we want to know what they want in their ad .
3 Most of the children … had a verbal knowledge of how to select a book and how to find what they wanted in the right book once they had located it .
4 This terminological ambiguity symbolizes a basic contradiction embodied in the whole process of change which followed 1868 , a running tension between those who looked back and sought to revive what they saw as the best in Japanese tradition in the face of a Western onslaught , and those who looked to the future and were prepared to accommodate the values and techniques of their competitors , if only to compete effectively with them .
5 Thus Attoh Ahuma ( who was also known as a clergyman , the Revd S.R.B. Solomon ) joined with another local churchman , the Revd Eggijir Assam , to launch the Gold Coast Aborigine , in which they promised to redress what they saw as the colonial imbalance in the education of local Africans :
6 It can be seen as another outburst of dissatisfaction about the direction taken by the Cultural Revolution and the failure to eliminate what they saw as the rise of a ‘ Soviet Union type of privileged class ’ ( Brodsgaard 1981 : 753 ) .
7 They are typically determined to bring about change , to introduce reforms and to reverse what they see as the mistakes of the past .
8 The latter now choose to use what they regard as the more salubrious transportation of the motor car or the aeroplane .
9 Their main aim was not to obtain compensation — it was said that there was no prospect of recovering damages from Mr Anderson — but to rectify what they regarded as the injustice of his acquittal .
10 It just gave them an excuse to do what they wanted in the name of the Devil .
11 They are busily employed ‘ teaching the financiers how to do what they want within the law , advising on the chances they are taking and how to best cover themselves ’ .
12 This is a response from workers who are perhaps seeking a respite from a tedious job , or who wish to defy what they regard as an oppressive management .
13 As North 's tawdry tale unfolded one was reminded of the 1962 novel Seven Days in May — which tells how a group of disaffected American generals plan to overthrow what they see as a weak and ineffective president by a military coup .
14 Real people with real jobs , not just holidaymakers out to forget what they do for a living . ’
15 ‘ Now the way is open to St Bede 's and St Augustine 's parents to get what they need for the good of their children .
16 Later I knitted quality , made to measure garments in good yarns for people who for some reason or another ( usually an awkward size ) were unable to get what they wanted in the shops .
17 Poststructuralists aspire to remove what they regard as the arbitrary distinctions between literature , criticism , theory , and philosophy , and Geoffrey Hartman has made it clear that he believes what he writes to be worthy of the esteem and attention normally given to ‘ creative ’ writing .
18 Going to London , to Regional Health Authority to attend present petition and to see what they do about the animals petition .
19 Naturally enough , the latter group interpreted the first sentence appropriately but were unable to report what they heard through the unattended channel .
20 They chronicle current attempts to continue what they see as an amoral practice .
21 It is a feature of modern administration in medical care at any level , whether the team on the ward or the hospital board or any other body , that they assert and seek to defend what they see as a right to autonomy and self-government , while using and distributing to a greater or lesser extent public resources .
22 As it turned out , the studio ‘ was n't up to much any more and half the equipment was broken ’ , but , according to Mondays ' manager Nathan McGough , ‘ a little light went on as soon as I met Chris and Tina , so I phoned them to ask what they thought of the band and what they had planned for the next couple of months ’ .
23 Mr MacDuff asked jurors to ignore what they felt about the princesses ' awful behaviour , and think about fair compensation .
24 In small group discussions , happily married men with children clearly saw fidelity as part of their lives ; although not immune to other women 's charms , they were not prepared to jeopardize what they had for the sake of a night of passion .
25 There will be ‘ full scope for professional judgment ’ , both in relation to teaching and organisation of the curriculum ; and there will be ‘ sufficient flexibility in the choice of content to adapt what they teach to the needs of the individual pupil ’ .
26 So this opportunity depends on a difference of opinion : investors thinking that prices are going to carry on rising , while firms rush to exploit what they see as a temporary state of affairs .
27 It may be helpful if , before the end of today 's debate , the Secretary of State and his colleagues could get together to explain what they mean by the enhancement in the anti-ballistic missile capability of the Soviet Union which requires us to make a quantum leap in the warhead capability of the Trident programme .
28 As noted earlier , there has been a conspicuous failure upon the part of politicians in particular to say what they mean by the term .
29 This group had come to oppose what they saw as the ‘ sterile-naturalistic ’ style of Brahm 's productions .
30 As far as possible , yes , with a bit of feed in the morning just to supplement what they find in the wood .
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