Example sentences of "[to-vb] what it [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Conservative government has attempted to replace what it sees as a dependency culture by an enterprise culture .
2 It was marked by the election of a Conservative Government committed to reduce what it saw as the excessive powers and privileges of the movement .
3 The end of active hostilities between Chad and Libya in September 1987 ( see pp. 35876-79 ) , and the formal declaration of Oct. 3 , 1988 , that their war was at an end ( see p. 36256 ) , made it possible for the Habre regime to pursue what it described as a policy of " national reconciliation " with the many groups and factions which had come into being during the country 's protracted civil war .
4 The openly aggressive posture of fascist Germany to the revolutionary communist state , its frequently proclaimed intention to exterminate what it perceived as the sickness of communism , inevitably mobilised support for the defence of threatened revolutionary ideals .
5 However , Kubota promises to demonstrate what it has of the subsystem at a series of private viewings during the show .
6 First , because its core business consists of manufacturing personal computers , it wants to control what it sees as a strategic market .
7 Intensive indoor rearing of livestock is relatively new and people are only just beginning to realise what it means for the animals .
8 But in a society where the official rate of unemployment doubled between 1979 and 1981 , from 5.3 per cent to 10.4 per cent and reached over 3.5 million or nearly 15 per cent during 1986 , where the Government , in the name of the market , is committed to weakening the ability of workers to defend their jobs , where the Government , in its desire to break what it sees as the ‘ dependency culture ’ , has systematically set about dismantling the welfare provisions which protected the poorest and weakest in society , where the Government , as part of its programme to establish a new thrusting entrepreneurial society , has encouraged a widening of differentials in income and wealth , we would expect the societal tensions produced to be expressed in , among other things , rising levels of crime .
9 By 1983 , the government seemed resigned to the continuation of the rates and sought other ways to curb what it perceived as the excessive expenditure of some local authorities ( see pages 185 — 9 ) .
10 The mission of Waltham , Massachusetts-based Kendall Square Research Corp is to bring what it sees as the benefits of highly parallel computing to the commercial market , and the company is on its way with the signing of its first two customers , airline operator AMR Corp and direct marketing services company Neodata Inc .
11 The mission of Waltham , Massachusetts-based Kendall Square Research Corp is to bring what it sees as the benefits of highly parallel computing to the commercial market , and the company is on its way with the signing of its first two customers , airline operator AMR Corp and direct marketing services company Neodata Inc .
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