Example sentences of "[to-vb] their [noun pl] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Subjects affected by such apprehension will tend to modify their responses in a way they think the experimenter considers them to be healthy .
2 One way in which such factors are isolated is by comparing parents known to batter their children with a control group of parents who have no history of child abuse ( Lynch and Roberts 1977 , for example ) .
3 In its initial statement , UNITA said that Gen. Miguel N'Zau Puna and Gen. Tony da Costa Fernandes had asked to be relieved of their duties in order to concentrate their efforts on a resolution to the issue of the secession of the Cabinda enclave .
4 Ask the trainees to write their answers on a sheet of paper and hand it to you .
5 It may be necessary at this stage to release further information , such as current trading and sensitive information such as detailed customer and supplier analyses , which will enable the offerors to finalise their offers into a Heads of Agreement .
6 Director Stephen Lee said : ‘ Charities are under enormous pressure to increase their services at a time when fundraising has never been so constrained .
7 The French shared their reluctance at this time to sink their identities in a United States of Europe .
8 In all probability there were always a few freeholders in any county who could be prevailed upon in this way to swing their votes behind a candidate who offered a guarantee of advantage .
9 In higher education an estimated 400,000 students were expected to lose their grants as a result of a proposal to target the federal student grant fund of $5,800 million , a rise of 7 per cent , at students from families with incomes lower than $10,000 .
10 Ninety people are to lose their jobs at a bleach factory .
11 The Building Societies Association assured the Government at the time that , when the rule was introduced , there would be no reason to expect people to lose their homes as a result and they have not done so .
12 It was still necessary for planning to pay sensible attention to the need to provide essential public services economically , but modern industrial undertakings had to be prepared to conduct their businesses in a way which minimised ugliness and to accept any reasonable cost involved in making their buildings , plant and operations acceptable to public opinion .
13 BREWER and retailer Whitbread has begun advising more than 1,000 of its tenants that it has arranged deals to lease their pubs to a string of brewers and pub groups as part of a move to comply with the Government 's beer orders .
14 So perhaps another note for Mr Patten 's no doubt very full in-tray is to look again at the decision to close down the body responsible for developing Milton Keynes , and start a new government initiative to encourage more new settlements throughout the region , rather than leaving it to private consortia to chance their arms through a development control system which seems unable to accommodate new initiatives in planning .
15 One of these is to support their schools with a range of expert services .
16 The speculation at Westminster last night was that Mr Kinnock was preparing the ground for a dignified exit by leaving his colleagues six months in which to mount their campaigns for a contest in the autumn .
17 Pilots fell in love with the craft too ; some were eager to refresh their memories with a glance at the Meteor ; s cockpit .
18 Shareholders can protect themselves from hostile takeovers and leveraged buyouts by not agreeing to sell their shareholdings at a discount .
19 Many children were actually sold by masters into slavery in pits — Parents actually had to sell their children into a life of misery .
20 They were told to spend a maximum of fifteen minutes on this task and to restrict their accounts to a maximum of half a page .
21 In the same way six women in the area got together 5 years ago to set up a project which would bring the women together to tackle their problems as a group , to teach them new skills which will help them find alternative sources of income .
22 ‘ Britons tend to view their homes as a commodity to be traded and this has put people off having features in their homes which they think the market might find too ‘ individual . ’
23 Walkers would find themselves diving out of the way on paths , escaping from runaway mountain bikes careering towards them on a mission to deposit their riders in a ditch .
24 Even so , some mammal parents still find it worth while to deposit their babies in a creche .
25 They start to refine their miaows in a way that wild cats never seem to do .
26 Applicants will have the opportunity to discuss their course(s) during a visit to the University .
27 The eventual extension of the index to include outposted files would bring them under closer scrutiny and control , and , although a degree of consistency would be achieved by revising the file references to the level recommended by the Working Party , branch officers would still retain considerable discretion to organise their files in a manner that suited their particular needs .
28 Overall , I would thoroughly recommend our itinerary to other pilots of light aircraft — particularly if they want to broaden their horizons with a change of scenery and culture as well as flying conditions different to those in most of the UK or France .
29 The British people have not been allowed to express their views through a referendum , although the trend in opinion as measured by opinion polls has been firmly against a Federalist structure .
30 ‘ Guilty ’ , ‘ worried ’ , ‘ miserable ’ and ‘ depressed ’ are the words which women use to express their responses to a situation in which they do not get their work done ‘ as it should be done ’ :
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