Example sentences of "[to-vb] their [noun] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 University students were particularly angered by the government 's refusal to meet their demands for a minimum monthly grant in line with the country 's average wage .
2 Will the Lord President urge the security services to concentrate their search for the alleged theft of information from hon. Members on the organisations that regularly spy on hon. Members , including the organisation that last week published a ludicrous volume full of slanders and innuendos about hon. Members ?
3 ‘ They 've been encouraging local authorities to tighten their belts for the last 14 years , ’ he protests .
4 As the contribution of Britain to the UNHCR is very much greater than that of France or Germany , will my right hon. Friend encourage our European partners to increase their support for the vital work of refugee relief ?
5 In the first round voters had to indicate their preference for an individual candidate and for a party list .
6 She and Sarah tried to arrange their dates for the same evenings , so that for the rest of the week they were free to go out together .
7 The team from Junior Chamber Aberdeen , won £500 and £1,500 of management consultancy from the sponsors to support their plan for a proposed holistic health centre .
8 But there were others who , despite their disaffection to Hanover , had little desire to risk their necks for the positive alternative the Pretender represented .
9 The Happy Mondays may have been all too willing to sell their souls for a few column inches , but watching Shaun gaze at the floor ‘ uhming ’ and ‘ aahing ’ , struggling to get his brain into gear , I feel like a voyeur .
10 Gooch and the England selectors meet in Manchester to choose their squad for the second Test at Lord 's , and Atherton 's place as Gooch 's opening partner is one of those up for discussion .
11 Political groupings in Slovakia continued to state their preference for a formal state treaty ( rather than a political declaration as embodied in the drafts ) , as the draft constitution was put out for consultation and amendment .
12 ‘ Those people — and thousands of them went through the proper procedure — will be contacted later this month and given the opportunity to purchase their tickets for the next home game . ’
13 Schools , in many cases with little preparation or warning , now had to redesign their curricula for the 11–16 age group .
14 Directors are required to exercise their powers for the proper purpose , ie for the benefit of the company , and it has been held that the power of allotment is given to the directors to get capital for the company .
15 These commonly give optionholders the right to exercise their options for a fixed period following a scheme of arrangement becoming effective .
16 Central Council would like to express their gratitude for the many generous donations and gifts which help to maintain the high standard of care given to the Home 's guests .
17 The families , she said , had asked her to express their gratitude for the warm and caring support from everyone there ; they were grateful , too , for the many messages of support and sympathy coming from outside Orkney .
18 The disclosure came as the US secretary of state arrived in Egypt at the start of a tour of the Middle East and met President Mubarak and the foreign minister , Amr Moussa , in an attempt to win their support for an early resumption of the suspended peace talks
19 They intend to press their demand for a British referendum , towards the end of the committee stage .
20 The JKNLF and several other militant groups have stepped up their campaigns of civil unrest , strikes , and outright terrorism , to press their demands for a free Kashmir or union with Pakistan .
21 Although the children at the La Mane Centre were made to use their powers for the wrong reasons , when it came to using their powers when it mattered , both Carrie and Michael used them in order to kill and destroy .
22 The conditions must be appropriate from a planning point of view : the planning authority are not at liberty to use their powers for an ulterior object , however desirable that object may seem to them to be in the public interest .
23 The depth of this crisis persuaded members of the radical Inter-Regional Group of congressional deputies to abandon their call for a two-hour strike today , in demand of a revision of Article 6 of thr constitution which enshrines the party 's monopoly .
24 Heroism presented itself to her still as sacrifice ; but she turned her mind in pity to the heroines who had suffered atrocious torments to keep their bud for the eternal bridegroom ; surely , and the paradox hit her humour with satisfying logic , the most excellent act of selflessness for a virgin was to surrender up her state ?
25 Patients were assessed in a special gallstone clinic to determine their suitability for the various treatment techniques available in our unit .
26 All creatures need sleep to replenish their energies for the next awakening .
27 A DESPERATE couple in Chelyabinsk , Russia , tried to place a newspaper advert offering to swap their baby for a bigger home .
28 The solicitors at the end of the chain are asked to release their contract for a specified period of time to the solicitors acting for the buyer next in line .
29 Both Dragoons had galloped past Sharpe and were now trying to turn their horses for a second attack .
30 Although former minisupercomputer maker Elxsi Corp disappeared from radar screens a year or three back , its Tata Elxsi Ltd former joint venture with the giant Indian conglomerate J R Tata Sons & Co Pte Ltd of Bombay is still in existence , and has just announced a joint venture with Mountain View , California-based Silicon Graphics Inc to expand their collaboration for the Indian market .
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