Example sentences of "[to-vb] if the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To discover if the inhibitory effect of indomethacin is because of its ability to scavenge HOCl , we evaluated the effect of indomethacin on HOCl production .
2 For example , planners in China do not seem aware of the cohort structure their population might have in decades to come if the drastic reductions in fertility introduced in the 1970s are maintained for 20 or 30 years .
3 On that occasion she had put it down to the letter from Doreen , but now she began to wonder if the real cause of his irritation had stemmed from the fact that he had embraced her .
4 It was intended to see if the total programme of instruction-orientation , introduction and advanced courses in information retrieval affected the pattern of use of the library over a period of five years .
5 I have now bought a Tesoro Laser B1 ( that has both auto and manual ground adjust ) and will be returning to the site to see if the extra performance of this machine turns up any more finds .
6 Psychological resources must also be taken into account to see if the basic requirements for daily life can be met .
7 In such studies , the argument is cause-to-effect , i.e. we match a group that has received X with a control group and look to see if the observed responses in the S 1 and S 2 samples differ .
8 Carry out another playing test to check for fret buzz and sight down the fingerboard again to see if the main body of the neck is straight .
9 It is the task of the quality approver to determine if the new versions of the modules adequately address the changes proposed on the DC and that the modules are fit for the purpose intended for the baseline .
10 The conditions equivalent to single-peakedness essentially fail to hold if the marginal rates of substitution of any three voters differ ( Kramer , 1973 ) .
11 Er , we believe that there is a shortfall , if I can put it that way , in quotes , of some seven hundred and fifty thousand in ninety four , ninety five , over what we would otherwise have expected to get if the previous method of distribution er , had been stuck with .
12 It now appears that Bevin was beginning to doubt if the anti-communist regime in Greece could prevail in the civil war with the communists .
13 The spines were also slightly changed in shape ; it was as if the head of each had been blown up like a little balloon — just what biophysical theory would predict would need to happen if the electrical connections between the pre-and postsynaptic sides were being strengthened when the chick pecked the bitter bead ; and exactly the sort of change which might be predicted as a consequence of increased glycoprotein synthesis .
14 In a word like pack for example , it is unlikely that a pattern recogniser , no matter how accurate , will be able to say if the correct sequence of letters is pack , paclc , or padc .
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