Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [art] [det] [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 If the rent under the sublease is made to increase at the same rate as the rent under the headlease , and the rent under the headlease is less than a market rent at the date of grant of the sublease , the rent under the sublease may well exceed the true market rent after the first rent review .
2 Those who ignored the role of adaptation were able to flourish at the same time as those for whom adaptation was the primary consideration , because the range of problems that could attract research funding allowed both approaches to find suitable niches for themselves .
3 in psychology and chucked in electrical engineering and started a psychology course and he had to work at the same time as he studied for some of that time
4 Timed to appear at the same time as the major Ramsay exhibition in Edinburgh and London , and well in advance of the same author 's catalogue raisonné , this must be one of the year 's most persuasive monographs .
5 MAKE everyone in the house agree to breakfast at the same time so you ( a ) get a clear kitchen , and ( b ) know you can get some help .
6 We would only need to witness a marked increase in trade and there will certainly be an increase in demand why do you think trade has increased ? and trade is n't a necessary condition it 's just that trade has tended to grow at the same time as erm as demand is growing .
7 The advancing edge or step is now twice the normal height and so would require twice the amount of new material if it were to advance at the same rate as the other layers .
8 All reviewers have to try to stand outside the immediate context of their listening , but that can be hard to do at the same time as keeping all emotional wavelengths open .
9 Dipolar groups in a polymer coil may not all be able to relax at the same speed because of the variable steric restrictions they may experience , imposed by their environment .
10 It was possible to hate at the same time as you loved .
11 If voices were to end at the same time as their canonic function ended they would fall out one by one , as in a round .
12 If Japan 's lending had continued to expand at the same pace as in recent years it would have overtaken Britain in 1992 .
13 Commenting on its figures ( see page seven ) , Amsterdam-based networking and electrical engineering group Getronics NV says it sees no evidence of market growth , and assuming no major acquisitions occur , its business will grow hardly any faster than in 1992 , when net profit rose 14% ; its investment is expected to remain at the same level as in 1992 , and cash flow is expected to develop on a comparable basis .
14 On the assumption that they would continue to fall at the same rate as in the first half of the decade , it was estimated that the population would be only one tenth of its size in a hundred years time .
15 You can be truly successful this year , especially if you have learned to diversify at the same time as pursuing the well-beaten track to your objectives .
16 On the one hand , the local situation and knowledge about it encouraged some people to retire at the same time as they were made redundant .
17 If it is assumed that the age structure of the inward flow and the outward flow is similar and that those who leave continue to reproduce at the same rate as those of a similar age who stay then an estimate of the number of births to women who leave can be made ( table ) .
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