Example sentences of "[to-vb] she [adv prt] [prep] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Overwhelmed by not having noticed this earlier , by his failure of politeness , observation and helpfulness , all that had been taught him from boyhood up , Richard proceeded at the double onto the Embankment , to escort her on to Lord Jim .
2 Particularly when she wishes you to escort her back to Les Hiboux .
3 Then Kurt has to shell out a considerable amount of money , maybe $25,000 , for the first class plane seats so that Courtney can fly home lying down and a specially appointed ambulance to pick her up at LA airport .
4 Professionally , he had seldom seen anyone in such a perfect state of health — that alone was sufficient to mark her out in Vetch Street .
5 She should also be at school , and Noreen threatened to send her back to Uncle Michael who would take her to school every day , if she did n't stop going on about coming to the theatre .
6 Dana went on with his friend to see her off at Le Havre , while I made my way to London , where I was joined by Dana a few days later .
7 Because it was quite obviously more than probable that all Ven meant by that last remark was that , having driven her to Prague , he felt it his responsibility to drive her back to Mariánské Láznë again .
8 Whilst dredging two steam winches on the deck are used to move her along on wire ropes the ends of which are attached to the canal banks .
9 The verderers planned to take her back to Ridgery Butts but Ridgery Butts was the other side of the stream in a different world and this was the forest where nothing usual and expected happened .
10 Waiting at the stop for the horse bus to take her back to Vetch Street , Sally-Anne heard a voice she knew .
11 He remembered with affection how she had refused to allow him to send for a cab to take her back to Vetch Street .
12 The matron we had then , a supercilious woman , told me to take her along to Thorn House , as they 'd know what to do .
13 He 'd been quite happy , relieved even , to hand her over to Mr Taylor 's care .
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