Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [art] [adj] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 These differences may reflect the influence of parental or pedagogic pressure to write with the right hand as compared with a natural predisposition to use the left hand .
2 We believe that no other group engaged in geomorphic research is as well qualified to grapple with the human factor as are geographers .
3 Despite putting up Protestant Unionists against specific Unionists , Paisley was still willing to work with the Unionist Party provided the candidate was acceptable .
4 Most said that they had been surprised if not totally taken aback on the news of the merger ; but to various degrees said that they were prepared to work with the new ownership as long as the guarantees of openness and neutrality made by Novell regarding the development of System V.4 were maintained .
5 ( b ) Goods sold by description and reliance If the description has a special trade usage , the goods may have to comply with the specialised meaning if this is part of the contractual intention .
6 If returners are to be able to comply with the desired outcomes as defined by the UKCC 's guidelines then the course offered would have to satisfy requirements set out in Table 4.2 .
7 The legal recognition of corporate character may be obtained either by a charter from the Crown , as in the case of most of our older corporations , like the Hudson 's Bay Company , some universities and their colleges , as well as of some more recent ones ; or directly by means of an incorporating Act of parliament , as in the case of certain public utilities ; or indirectly through an Act of Parliament like the Companies Act 1948 ( which has been amended by several later Acts of the same name , and consolidated by the Companies Act 1985 ) , which offers corporate character to any number of persons ( usually not less than seven ) associated for a lawful object , who are willing to comply with the statutory requirements as to registration and otherwise .
8 The Chief Justice 's reference to the lack of an equal footing was , in my view , to the fact that the defendant was in a position to force the plaintiff to comply with the lawful demand if he wished to obtain the necessary licence to continue to trade , and not simply to the fact that the defendant held an official position whereas the plaintiff did not .
9 He concluded by telling Scott that there was no need to hurry with the revised elevations as he would only be asking Parliament to vote sufficient for the foundations during the present session .
10 It 's best to go with an organised group if you want to cycle or paddle your way through the area .
11 ( 1 ) An announcement of the bidder 's firm intention to proceed with the proposed takeover as required by Rule 2.5 of the City Code ( see para 6.3.6 below ) .
12 Unfortunately it is a very barren group , and when I first went to the southern hemisphere I had difficulty in identifying the pole star , Sigma Octantis , which is only of magnitude 5.5 , and is none too easy to see with the naked eye unless the sky is really dark and clear .
13 She shuddered as she felt him unfastening the catch of her bikini-top , her heart starting to pound with a heavy beat as the pressure of his kiss became fiercer and more demanding .
14 Home Secretary , Kenneth Baker has said he does not now believe it would be right to continue with the proposed closures because of the entirely unacceptable numbers of prisoners held in police cells .
15 Councillors were told that the Home Office would need to be sure that the additional bylaws were needed to cope with a specific problem before they could be approved .
16 As a general rule , though , it is easier to cope with a dry site than a wet one : as long as a water supply is available , a dry site can be moistened to highlight the differences in soil colour and texture .
17 SALLY Gunnell reckons she now knows what it feels like to be a marked woman but Britain 's golden girl insists she will be able to cope with the new-found pressure when she launches her world championship campaign in earnest in Rome tonight .
18 In order to cope with the enormous workload while he was away , extra staff were taken on into the Firm as the newcomers christened it .
19 Similarly , investors tend not to deal with a new house if they are doubtful about its tenacity — and skilled market staff will not join a firm even for high salaries if they are unsure that it will remain in the market .
20 Erm , our best estimate is that we need the six hundred and eighty six thousand that we 're committed to , plus another two hundred and seventeen thousand in terms of additional staff to deal with the additional demand as it comes in .
21 In the second example it may be that the person has to deal with the surrounding bereavements before she can clear the ground enough to look at what was probably the major one .
22 What she could not know was that by refusing to deal with the Protestant threat until the crown matrimonial had been obtained , she would throw away the strongest card in her anti-Protestant hand before having a chance to play it .
23 We 've already seen how carefully planned customer flow can encourage the shopper to leave with a loaded basket when she had only popped in for a loaf of bread or a pint of milk .
24 Nicol , the Scottish champion and winner of the North Open last weekend , faces the stiffest programme with the Vitafit Open in Germany , the Odense Open in Denmark and the Portuguese Open within the next three weeks , and seems certain to emerge with a higher ranking than his current 52 .
25 Among Tories , more than three times as many would want Mr Major to negotiate with the Liberal Democrats as with the Unionists .
26 At the weekend , after a day spent watching the company rehearse , the former professional ballet dancer described its performance as having ‘ more to do with the pelvic thrust than an arabesque ’ .
27 The boom has less to do with an ageing population than a growing interest from collectors and American tourists .
28 The Maronites were prepared to cooperate with the outside power because they correctly believed that the French wanted a future independent Lebanon which would look to France for protection .
29 Perhaps he 'd risked time to practise with a few shots before I got there .
30 Smooth-trowelled finishes can be slippery in winter , so it 's best to finish with a wooden float as this will give a slightly textured surface .
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