Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [noun sg] [prep] [art] end " in BNC.

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1 Greenpeace had taken one of its boats , the Cedarlea , to monitor the radioactivity at the end of the Sellafield discharge pipeline .
2 At last he 's beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel .
3 At last he 's beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel .
4 I 've always wanted to get as stoned as quickly as possible to enjoy the evening at the end of a working day .
5 Before agreement was reached to establish the SEM by the end of 1992 , there had been very little progress towards establishing the Common Market .
6 Patterson was very unlucky when he ran out of road coming into the start and finish area and had to restart the race at the end of lap two .
7 I set her the first day to clean the floors starting at the top and expecting her to reach the bottom at the end of the day or at least the last floor , but Ellen she had not managed more than two rooms in eight hours and those not well done .
8 SLP and Redpath submitted tenders at the end of 1991 and are likely to hear the outcome before the end of the month .
9 IBM Corp is reportedly getting set to trade in its graphics for stuff OEM 'd from Kubota Pacific Computer Inc : we 're told to expect the announcement before the end of the year — at Super Computing ‘ 92 perhaps .
10 FOLLOWING a number of organisational changes within , , UK sales director , decided to leave the company at the end of February .
11 However , Pedro Collor did claim that Farias , through a mutual friend , had attempted to bribe him with US$25,000,000 to leave the country until the end of President Collor 's term of office in 1995 .
12 On June 8 the Hungarian Defence Minister Lajos Für announced in Moscow that Hungary would cease to participate in Warsaw Pact military exercises and wished to leave the alliance by the end of 1991 .
13 The special relationship Finniston forged between top management and the work-force at British Steel is epitomised by the fact that he was given farewell parties by each of the seven major steelworks when he came to leave the corporation at the end of ten years .
14 According to a private survey , at least 80 per cent are intending to leave the colony by the end of 1990 .
15 The Braun Independent heated up very quickly , but Sarah found it tricky to use the tong without the ends of her hair having a kink .
16 We hope to finalize the fieldwork by the end of 1992 and to round up research by the middle of 1993 .
17 She had managed to press the bell with the end of her whip .
18 In retrospect it can be seen to mark the beginning of the end of the Pahlavi dynasty , which the Shah 's father had founded just fifty years before .
19 So I got the woman — Clare , she 's my editor — to extend the deadline until the end of next month .
20 ‘ I missed not being able to put the stocking on the end of his bed like I always did , and not seeing his face when he woke up .
21 The Senate was expected to endorse the decision by the end of the month .
22 The aircraft was just about to touch down when the pilot found himself in unfamiliar surroundings and opened his throttle in time for his wheels to clear the cliff-edge at the end of the runway .
23 The parliaments of both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of February 1991 .
24 As I have already made clear , the issue in that case concerned the second decision which the Secretary of State has to make , whether to release the prisoner at the end of his tariff period or to detain him in custody .
25 Apart from providing a sense of continuing support , a follow-up interview allows the therapist to assess the progress since the end of treatment , and offer praise and encouragement if appropriate .
26 An alternative date has yet to be set , but it is understood that the band are expected to reschedule the show for the end of November , following the band 's prestigious co-headline show with My Bloody Valentine at Tokyo 's 14,000 capacity Budokan arena .
27 Yes , yes , well I am too , and that we shall pay the penalty later on if we do n't get with us and I feel that erm , as difficult as the budget is , as tight as it is with reduction etcetera , I feel that we should make a positive funding for prevention or something , or er , because I think unless we do start somewhere , and quickly , we are going to pay the penalty at the end of the and so we 've got to make a date , you 've got to make a year , and if you wait and say and well we have n't got it now , well next year we shall say we have n't got it now , and the next year we 'll say we have n't got it now .
28 The liability to repay the deposit at the end of the term remained throughout on the original landlord and was an obligation to repay to the original tenant .
29 It was announced that remaining unresolved issues would be taken up by the START negotiating teams in Geneva , and both sides stressed their determination to complete the drafting by the end of 1990 .
30 It is hoped to complete the sale by the end of this year .
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