Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pn reflx] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Twice , when he had run out of ideas , he had driven the little Triumph out of the district to a coffee shop where he was not known , and had sat drinking coffee and talking to the men next to him at the counter , surprised to find himself accepted as a member of the grown-up world .
2 Rauschning returned to face a whole series of issues and policies he felt he could no longer support or accept and to find himself cited in an investigation of both Jewish and communist influence in the city .
3 Anybody scheduling an experiment was likely to find himself faced with a lawsuit if he did n't make the environmental impact statement that was required under the National Environmental Policy Act .
4 He returned from a cold and rainy holiday in Switzerland to find himself faced with a mountain of correspondence and other business ( he was receiving in this period something like fifty letters a day , although most of them were handled by Valerie Fletcher ) .
5 Most of them were senior members of the Institute and Hall could well have been surprised to find himself confronted with a group of men bound together by a considerable degree of common purpose and understanding .
6 It is as if the speaker , in a state of semi-consciousness , was first aware of the stimulus , and then , an instant later , suddenly awoke to find himself confronted with the result provoked by this stimulus , without being conscious of the passage from one state to the other .
7 It could be quite disconcerting for the archer whose bow disintegrated to find himself left with a handful of bits and pieces resembling a bundle of firewood .
8 Mr Clarke is not , after all , the first , nor will he be the last politician to find himself caught on the hop by a shrewd interviewer .
9 I once met a girl who awoke to find herself gripped by the Spirit of God at 2 a.m .
10 Bernice woke to find herself lying outside the temple .
11 ‘ And I believe that I began then to train myself to listen in the voice of somebody , or look through the outer facade .
12 WHATEVER the good intentions and fine words about women doing anything a man can do , there are still industries where men would be surprised to find themselves dealing with a woman .
13 Time and again intelligence organisations chase after these grandiose projects only to find themselves lost in the wasteland of truth created by their own stupidity .
14 At Stourbridge Town Hall in the West Midlands last night , where Botham began his tour , those who came instead of a night out at the pictures were somewhat surprised to find themselves treated to a night out at the pictures .
15 On one issue which centrally concerned the Consultative Councils — electricity prices — their attitudes were predictable and damaging : the Councils generally added to the pressure for uneconomically low prices , though members who adopted an aggressively consumerist line were unlikely to find themselves reappointed by the Minister .
16 ‘ But who wishes to find themselves married to a boy ?
17 I visualized Alison as living in a classic North Oxford mansion set on a bosky avenue amid the murmuring of innumerable dons , so I was surprised to find myself directed up the hill to Headington .
18 During the first match I was amazed to find myself sitting beside a Church of Ireland minister , a Free Presbyterian Minister and a Roman Catholic priest .
19 But in the meantime how pleasant it is to find oneself arriving in the evening for the first time in some lively little English market town , where one can forget for a while the noisy onward march of science , and settle down to meditate upon the civilised past .
20 After all , he had been working on the theory for twenty years , and did not want to see himself scooped by an outsider .
21 These are broad descriptions of how the company wishes to see itself developing over the planning period .
22 She tried to imagine herself walking along the corridor , knocking on Luke 's bedroom door and saying — saying what ?
23 When she tried to imagine herself working in an office or a bank , her mind soon went blank , like a cinema screen when the projector breaks down or the film snaps .
24 Regarding behaviour , participants were asked to indicate from always ( five points ) to never ( one point ) the frequency of instances occurring where , for example , they got drunk even when they did not intend to ; their drinking left them short of cash ; they drank to help themselves deal with a crisis ; and they missed meals because they wanted to drink instead .
25 He had to give himself time for the thought to reach him .
26 What was her daily rationale but to keep herself tuned to a pitch , taut as a bowstring ?
27 So until further notice from me , you are to consider yourself confined to the Battalion area — that means the Officers ' Mess and your company billet — except when on duty of course .
28 The man of pseudo-faith will fight for his verbal creed but flatly refuse to allow himself to get into the predicament where his future must depend on that creed being true .
29 Occasionally she was able to force herself to go in a lift if it was one of those with a window at the front so that she could see the passing floors .
30 She had to force herself to speak through the tightness in her throat .
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