Example sentences of "[to-vb] [vb infin] [noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 HUNDREDS of new landmarks to help plot journeys through the highways and byways of Essex are soon to emerge with the advent of named roundabouts .
2 Deland evangelically promoted his firm and its concept to a public not quite ready for it , but his moment came when war broke out and he was summoned by the US War Department to help recruit executives for the Army Service Forces .
3 A major turning point in his Hillary 's life came in 1961 when he founded the Himalayan Trust to help improve conditions for the Sherpa people and protect the environment in which they live and we love to trek .
4 The constructed path is to help keep visitors off the basalt pavements which are delicate and fragile , taking aeons to create and seconds to destroy .
5 There is an urgent need for more socioeconomic information in this field to help set guidelines for the future .
6 In that connection , and in view of the impending serious food shortages in the Soviet Union , may I ask whether he was able to take any initiatives at Maastricht to help move foodstuffs from the Community to the Russian people ?
7 The IMF on April 8 , 1991 , approved a financing package for Costa Rica , authorizing disbursements of up to SDR88,300,000 ( about US$119 million ) over the next 12 months to support the government 's economic programme and to help meet increases in the cost of oil imports .
8 By the 18th century , the botanic gardeners had started an international seed exchange , to help distribute plants around the globe .
9 In September 1983 we launched the ‘ 200 Club ’ to help raise funds for the Society .
10 The world 's top fashion designers have been creating spectacular outfits to help raise funds for the charity Oxfam in its fiftieth year .
11 Meanwhile members recently organised a bring and buy to help raise funds for the club and Connie said every event was held in a warm and relaxed atmosphere .
12 The government also postponed the implementation of its plan to send Air Self-Defence Force transport aircraft and crews to help evacuate refugees from the Gulf , and thereby avoided rekindling the debate about the constitutionality of despatching Japanese military units overseas .
13 The last group of 850 Belgian paratroopers flown in during September to help evacuate foreigners from the country was withdrawn on Nov. 4 .
14 If there are other servants , he will expose their laziness — in fact , it was once said that brownies were originally created to help relieve men of the burden caused by Adam .
15 One may be obligated to help fight opponents of the institution or help overcome obstacles to its successful operation in ways which one is not required by its laws to do .
16 List the types of feasible observations you would make in order to better constrain models of the interior of Mercury .
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