Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] of the [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At one stage , Fields had threatened to pull out of the arrangement altogether and find a new partner , until the CAA made it clear that Fields would not have a licence without Virgin 's involvement .
2 ‘ It 's so sad because he 's so quick , so experienced and he is the guy who made me raise my own game to come out of the blocks ahead of him . ’
3 Mark I would like you and Michael to come out of the bedroom now please .
4 Lateral Consonant For the sound/I/ , the tip or the blade of the tongue is pressed against the alveolar ridge , while the sides of the tongue remain lowered to allow the air to pass out of the mouth laterally , ie over the sides of the tongue .
5 He seemed to me to be showing diminishing interest in the enquiry , turning his tidily brushed head away to look out of the window instead .
6 Turning her head to look out of the window again , she felt her heart drumming with rage .
7 Not that he wants to look out of the window any longer .
8 And they fought the fire until they were finally er had to go out of the tower altogether .
9 ‘ If we are to go out of the Cup then let it be to a side packed with international stars .
10 Sometimes the only safe thing to do is to land out of the site altogether in a nearby field .
11 Our bodies use these fat cells and the connective tissue as a kind of storehouse for waste products and because these particular fat cells are metabolically less active than other cells in the body they make an ideal location for whatever toxic waste products the body would like to keep out of the way so that they do n't pollute the bloodstream .
12 I was looking at er the first page the which brings together the sub team figures , erm , looks to me as though the completed work reflects the priority that we 're giving to stage two work , and I think we continue to weeding , particularly , remain anxious to clear out of the system as soon as possible all old stage two files , and I propose to continue to revue progress on those and with each A D as I see them .
13 Lisa 's instant reaction was to back out of the door again .
14 George Benton , the knowledgeable trainer of Holyfield , says : ‘ Evander will be trying to get out of the way early on , blocking and ducking .
15 The appliance manufacturers , the frozen food kings , the canners and food merchants exploited to the hilt the female desire to get out of the kitchen just as quickly as possible .
16 Mrs Thwaites and I followed the path made in the snow by the animals and managed to get out of the dale all right .
17 ‘ So is it safe to get out of the bag now ? ’
18 Moreover , most users saw the centres as somewhere to go to get out of the house rather than somewhere to learn .
19 This gave them a little more freedom , and his habit of falling asleep in the afternoons allowed them to get out of the house sometimes .
20 Another American firm , McDonnell Douglas , has a smaller product range , and by the mid-1980s was wondering whether to get out of the industry entirely rather than compete in the next generation of civil airliners .
21 Any failure of the controls , they 're going to drop out of the sky indeed we saw that on Saturday …
22 In this way those candidates who recognise that they are unsuitable are able to drop out of the process early on .
23 Both were from the same village as Mr Shahiduddin Postman ; both had managed to get educated and to break out of the village on to the lower rungs of academia .
24 Ideally , the best thing we can do for our complexions is to stay out of the sun altogether .
25 There 's no alternative , I 'm afraid , to covering up for a few days , using a higher SPF sunscreen and taking care to stay out of the sun as much as possible .
26 I made an attempt to move out of the way then it struck me . ’
27 She may fear Aids for her son ; she may fear violence from her husband ; she may fear that her son will have to move out of the family home and fear her own loneliness .
28 A GIRL aged 14 has already won a temporary court order allowing her to move out of the family home in Guildford , Surrey .
29 Eventually , then , I decided the best strategy would be simply to stride out of the room very suddenly at a furious pace .
30 She deliberately turned her head to gaze out of the window once more .
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