Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] to the [noun] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 The door was open and I did hear that much when I passed to go in to the ladies ' toilet .
2 They used to go down to the clogger 's shop , which was at the bottom of the road where they lived , and he used to make toast , make a drink , and they used to sit round by the light of a candle , eating toast and drinking .
3 Hitherto the older waist-band had tended to slip on to the horse 's neck and either throttle him or prevent him from pulling hard ; hence the slower and less efficient ox had been generally used .
4 Nonindividualistic conceptions are likely to be among the expensive tastes since their realization depends on the cooperation of others , and they will take some convincing to come round to the agent 's point of view .
5 He was in the side which beat Norfolk by just one run in the semi-final to go through to the Lord 's final on Aug 26 .
6 According to Robert F. Maguire III , President of LACMA 's Board of Trustees , ‘ One of Rusty 's most significant accomplishments was spearheading the museum 's efforts to reach out to the city 's diverse population , mounting exhibitions of multicultural appeal ’ .
7 Reluctantly Theodora turned towards the gate to walk back to the Julians ' and the interrogatory telephone .
8 The company has promised much in the past but to date failed to perform up to the market 's expectations .
9 Instead he was confronted by the tall , dark man whose hand was extended ready to clamp on to the sergeant 's and give it a hearty shake as if he were an old friend .
10 It has been easier in the past to give in to the child 's demands , so learning to set limits across all aspects of the child 's behaviour can be critical for coping with the battles about food .
11 I do n't want to go back to the Evans 's , I really do n't , I never did want to be there but it 's worse now , not better .
12 Jack took one gulp , said ‘ Lovely stuff , and went off to tune in to the King 's Speech on the secret wireless , which only he could operate .
13 They 'd be on cup three or four amid the toast fragments , still relaxed but just beginning to wake up to the day 's promise , when Mrs Goreng and myself would join them for what was left of the luke-warm coffee .
14 When referrals have come from other professionals it is important to get back to the parents ' view rather than working from the information in the referral letter .
15 Now , time to move on to the Doctor 's phone in with Kathleen Long .
16 A provision for the partners to bring in to the firm 's account their fees and other remuneration derived from offices and appointments held by them ( see below ) ( Clause 10.06 ) .
17 But since it is quite unfair that the intention of the deceased should be deceived by a freedman , he ought to make over to the testator 's sons the hundred left to him , as in a similar case our late Emperor Marcus also made this ruling .
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