Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] [adj] [noun] but " in BNC.

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1 We have erm , we ca n't put operator performance any more on our district , because we 've just erm , stopped that , it does n't , you know , they do n't apply it to performance any more as far as that goes , but erm , I have got three representation , three representatives , which the checkout people nominated themselves and I have a monthly meeting with those to come up with any problems but it 's still , you know , that 's tackling one issue .
2 A diminishing few of us will continue to come out of sheer love but many will not , especially the young .
3 The more advanced desktop publishing packages have begun to pick up on this requirement but few can manage either the length or the revision information that the typical TechDoc user needs .
4 A few people have tried to set up as independent ironers but we seem to be reluctant to pay someone £4 an hour to iron .
5 Three-quarter-inch cassette formats : U-matic Low-Band — widely used in industry and in institutions ; U-matic High-Band — acceptable for broadcast , better quality than low-band , needs to be transferred to low-band to play back on that standard but will playback on low band equipment as black and white picture of variable quality .
6 The general message was not to look back at past crimes but forward to a more worthwhile place in society .
7 to cast off in small groups but it also gives a neat edge without the stepped edge that usually occurs .
8 First of all we need to get Hunlet off the pitch , as I 'm not in Leeds I 've been unable to keep up with this debate but at last sats Crewe game it looked terrible !
9 First of all we need to get Hunlet off the pitch , as I 'm not in Leeds I 've been unable to keep up with this debate but at last sats Crewe game it looked terrible !
10 Parents can not expect their children to get on with each other but family life is very difficult if there is continuous bickering and jealousy between children .
11 As for the future , well , I suppose I 'll have to move on at some time but for the moment I 'm quite happy at the theatre .
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