Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah you only need to write their details on the first page in which they appear .
2 ‘ They 've been encouraging local authorities to tighten their belts for the last 14 years , ’ he protests .
3 One study of Scottish babies showed that 90 per cent of mothers started to train their babies during the first year with half of the middle class and a quarter of the working class starting before 6 months of age ( Drillien 1964 ) .
4 Waiting in the third round could be fourth seed Boris Becker , who has had a torrid time in the build-up to the French Championships but who has a good chance to find his feet with a first round match against 579th-ranked French wild card Nicolas Escude .
5 On Villa-Flotilla you have a chance to meet your companions in the first week .
6 As it was , some 50,000 soldiers were to lose their lives during the next few months in fruitless attacks on Chunuk Bair .
7 Hundreds more Herefordians are expected to risk their morals at the first show in the city early next month .
8 By law they have to ballot their members in the next couple of years on whether they can keep their political funds , through which they give money to the party .
9 It 's a crippling burden , a bizarre , economically apocalyptic punishment on these presumptuous paupers for wanting to kickstart their economies into the 20th century .
10 ‘ Those people — and thousands of them went through the proper procedure — will be contacted later this month and given the opportunity to purchase their tickets for the next home game . ’
11 The stoma care nurse and ward nurses were able to answer his questions over the next few days and also showed Mr Reynolds some of the bags which can be worn over a stoma and let him practise handling these .
12 We all met at a pre-luncheon reception and then adjourned to the dining hall to sample the culinary delights which were to space our classes for the next five days ; four classes with dancing after dinner was the order of the day , all meticulously time-tabled .
13 They were also able to make site visits to major Japanese industrial research centres , including Electro-Technical Laboratory , Fujitsu , Hitachi , Mitsubishi , Nec and Sony , to discuss their activities within the Fifth Generation Programme and see demonstrations of some of the deliverables .
14 The monitors , who meet to discuss their audits on the first Friday of every month , are : .
15 Lord said he was at a loss to find room to play his shots in the first two games .
16 We have wonderful eighteenth-century objects , but would like to strengthen our holdings in the nineteenth century .
17 Voters left two dominant impressions as they queued in the hot sun — their determination to cast their ballots in the first free election since Germany began the European conquest of Namibia more than a century ago , and their orderly , disciplined behaviour in the searing heat .
18 He has great potential to be a world champion , and he will be the kind of driver we would like to retain his services through the next possible two , three years , so it 's a longer term situation with him .
19 All I want is the truth , the real reason why you decided to come here , why you suggested that we try to ease our differences in the first place . ’
20 THE CUP success of Middlesbrough Football Club has forced the nearby Cleveland Park greyhound stadium to switch its racenights over the next three weeks .
21 Still , he 's a married man , and his wife is in her seventh month , from what I hear : that 's why she had to send her apologies at the last moment …
22 All creatures need sleep to replenish their energies for the next awakening .
23 Both Dragoons had galloped past Sharpe and were now trying to turn their horses for a second attack .
24 I will ask ‘ Spokes ’ to sing its praises in the next newsletter .
25 Not after she 's been waiting 200 years to get her hands on the last of the Gittels .
26 Analysts believe that the central bank , which cut interest rates by 1 percentage point last week in an attempt to stem the rise of the escudo , may be prepared to remove its barriers over the next few weeks if rate cuts staunch the flow of hot money into Lisbon .
27 As one jaundiced critic put it in 1733 : " A set of brocaded tradesmen cloathed in purple and fine linen , and faring sumptuously every day , raising to themselves immense wealth , so as to marry their daughters to the first rank , and leave their sons such estates as to enable them to live in the same degree .
28 The failure is said to have its origins in the second half of the nineteenth century when a number of changes were taking place in the structure of British domestic banking , and in the nature of corporate ownership .
29 And , if you 're travelling solo , no one 's going to compensate you for having to change your plans at the last minute .
30 A hospital for pensioners that opened almost a hundred years ago is about to close its doors for the last time .
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