Example sentences of "[to-vb] [det] [noun pl] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Later , seated dizzily at the desk in his study , he reached for a piece of paper to write some orders for the defence of the banqueting hall .
2 The regents were nevertheless compelled to accept these verdicts for the time being .
3 In France , efforts are being made to train more women for the job .
4 It was impossible to find any landmarks for the moment .
5 Clarke got his second goal in the 60th minute when he met a well directed right-wing cross from Wallace to first time the ball past Maguire to secure both points for the visitors .
6 Any other report , erm , such as to request the director of property services fully to explore all options for the disposal of all or any part of the County Farms estate for the maximum financial benefit to the County Council , that sort of report for instance has not been requested by the property sub- committee nor by any other committee with erm , er , as I understand it .
7 By allowing ourselves to be forced to carry these cards for the convenience of the state , we will be acknowledging that we are at the disposition of the state and its computers .
8 He is proposing a pilot scheme to take uniformed officers away from front desk duties as one idea for putting civilians into jobs which in the past have been filled by officers in order to free more police for the fight against crime .
9 He 's gone into Lewes to buy more things for the room .
10 Central Government Departments which achieve savings through competitive tendering will in future be able to apply those savings for the benefit of their programmes .
11 In 1281 he was commissioned by the king to search the chirograph chests for all deeds relating to Jewish debts , which had come into the king 's hands through the forfeiture of the creditors concerned , and then to levy those debts for the king .
12 Mr Sproat , a member of the parliamentary committee discussing the Bill , is now delighted the worried BR pensioners will continue to enjoy those rights for the future .
13 If I 'd become known as the Man In The Pyjamas , I 'd have to wear those pyjamas for the rest of my life !
14 The conference adopted a resolution which requested states ‘ to prescribe such methods for the catching of living creatures in the sea , particularly seal and whale , as to spare them as much suffering as possible ’ .
15 I hope that they will take the opportunity to ask Mr. Millan to release these moneys for the benefit of their areas .
16 He 'd been round there early this morning to get some papers for the solicitor or summat .
17 Leopold could be said to have some qualifications for the throne ; he was Catholic , descended directly from the families of the Beauharnais and the Murats and he was married to a sister of the King of Portugal .
18 The first six relate directly to the Earth Summit , the last two provide an opportunity for people to get more involved in practical initiatives and to help to raise more pledges for the Tree of Life within your local community .
19 I have n't been able to get any tickets for the Word as yet .
20 But no one seems to have any figures for the percentage of people who are satisfied with life in general .
21 It preferred to be allowed to say some prayers for the Queen , the prime minister , and everyone else concerned with the choice , before they reached their conclusion .
22 Given that the majority of people are as rational about their fertility as I am — and God knows we are the ones who have to live with our decisions — it seems that any government which tries to overrule those decisions for the sake of some nebulous ‘ common good ’ , or ‘ future benefit ’ is not to be trusted .
23 He was prepared to forgo some of his rights , but I contend that the state is required to defend those rights for the benefit of its citizens .
24 Therefore , even if complex real-world situations can only be represented by complex models , the proponents of the object-oriented model argue that it is only as it need be to represent these situations on computers and to manipulate those representations for the purpose of processing queries .
25 In 1785 alone , not only did he survey and engrave the series of charts mentioned above , but he also found time to make a series of estate plans for Patrick Kerr of Abbotrule ( which Kerr failed to pay for ) , to survey a line for a canal from the Forth to the Clyde for Robert Whitworth , and to engrave several plans for the court of session in Edinburgh .
26 Much more frequent mentions of captivi seem to refer to nobles , and one writer explicitly says that the reason the Vikings having arrived by boat then used horses was " so that they would be able to capture some nobles for the sake of money ( ransoms ) " .
27 and erm , they had er , er a lot of girls over at Birmingham who used to prepare these cards for the computer
28 Sir Keith Joseph echoed the view of his predecessors and successors when he declared in 1984 , " History , properly taught , justifies its place in the curriculum by what it does to prepare all pupils for the responsibilities of citizenship . "
29 The Organization 's aims , as set out in the Charter adopted in 1972 are : ( i ) to promote Islamic solidarity among member states ; ( ii ) to consolidate co-operation among member states in the economic , social , cultural , scientific and other vital fields , and to arrange consultations among member states belonging to international organizations ; ( iii ) to endeavour to eliminate racial segregation and discrimination and to eradicate colonialism in all its forms ; ( iv ) to take necessary measures to support international peace and security founded on justice ; ( v ) to co-ordinate all efforts for the safeguard of the Holy Places and support of the struggle of the people of Palestine , and help them to regain their rights and liberate their land ; ( vi ) to strengthen the struggle of all Muslim people with a view to safegarding their dignity , independence and national rights ; and ( vii ) to create a suitable atmosphere for the promotion of co-operation and understanding among member states and other countries .
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