Example sentences of "[to-vb] [det] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Visibility was not good because of approaching darkness but the crew were able to see some trees at the approach end of the field .
2 It was just possible to see some buildings in the distance .
3 The pilots were able to search some areas below the fog , but said visibility was almost nil at higher levels .
4 No index is shown here , but this would be the last stage in the compilation of the scheme ; besides attempting to classify some items by the scheme , the index serves to check the scheme 's likely effectiveness .
5 I asked him if he would be willing to meet some members of the House , if Lucy and I fixed up some small dinner parties after my resignation .
6 Listen we 've got to write some letters to the poll tax people .
7 Later , seated dizzily at the desk in his study , he reached for a piece of paper to write some orders for the defence of the banqueting hall .
8 By means of an appeal to Lenin , Bashkirs were able to secure some positions in the government , only to have their agreement with Moscow cancelled a year later when Bashkiria was forcibly incorporated in the RSFSR .
9 ‘ If everything proves satisfactory we should begin construction of the cable network at the end of the year and we should be in a position to provide some services from the spring of next year , ’ he said .
10 Ultimately , the research project therefore aims to evaluate the role and effectiveness of computers in planning and to provide some guidelines regarding the selection , introduction and operation of computer systems .
11 The forecaster must decide whether to exclude such events from the analysis of trends where these are being used to forecast for the future .
12 This not only affects how the male public react to policewomen in the province , it also influences how male colleagues treat policewomen in the work environment and the sorts of duties they are assigned in practice ; and the dearth of senior female officers makes it easy for male colleagues to impose such limits on the role of policewomen .
13 The JCS were already on record that the US should assume ‘ positive and proper leadership ’ among the Western powers in Southeast Asia in order , as they put it , with no excessive modesty , ‘ to retrieve the losses resulting from previous mistakes on the part of the British and the French , as well as to preclude such mistakes in the future . ’
14 State governments have been closing these hospital based services to help save money on their capped budgets , on the assumption that patients will be able to obtain such services in the community , funded by the open ended Medicare budget from the federal government .
15 But the attempt to isolate such cases from the majority of child abuse cases must always be made .
16 Though many of us would not wish to dignify such phenomena with the name " geosyncline " , they are certainly very thick accumulations in fault structures roughly parallel with the Atlantic coast .
17 Sometimes , particularly for a straightforward search in a printed index , it will be sufficient to establish these concepts in the searcher 's mind .
18 The regents were nevertheless compelled to accept these verdicts for the time being .
19 However , some tutors seem to feel that they are unable to accept these modifications despite the syllabus remaining virtually unchanged , though more comprehensive , as befits the education and examination standards of a ‘ professional ’ body that hopes for national recognition .
20 The aim of the present study therefore was to investigate the frequency with which p53 is overexpressed in large bowel adenomas ; to define which , if any , of these adenomas also contain a mutant K-rase gene ; and to relate these findings to the presence of malignant change .
21 in the case of Dahl 's study of New Haven , the power of the mayor can only be assessed on the basis of his own particular preferences for urban development and how he managed to secure these preferences in the decision-making process .
22 ( i ) Describe briefly an experiment that could be carried out to obtain these results in the laboratory .
23 THE COUNCIL 'S response to the government 's proposals for the future of water and sewerage services showed that Lothian 's current arrangements would be the most efficient , cost-effective and democratic way to provide these services in the future .
24 I wanted to write these lines in the newsletter as I wanted to say a general Thank you to the NCT and to individuals too .
25 Firstly , they must decide how many titles each library should stock on each subject , how to modify these figures as the type of use changes , and how to keep the stock in each subject relatively fresh and interesting .
26 It should be noted that an organizational type unrepresented so far is the reputedly widespread model whereby there is informal specialization by client group through weighted caseloads ( which may or may not be similar to the model exemplified by Team C ) ; and that it may not be easy to find many examples of the Team A type .
27 In Northern Ireland 's divided society therefore , community policing has both a specific and a general meaning , for in one sense it focuses narrowly on overcoming Catholic hostility to the police , while in another the ‘ community ’ which is addressed is defined more broadly to encompass all residents in the province , although often these two aspects intermingle .
28 Still , while it does not pretend to be comprehensive , The Spirit of the Letter manages to provoke many questions about the protean and varied role of lettering , from typography to bravura calligraphy , public inscriptions to computer-generated letter forms .
29 Rather , they aim to provide all students with the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of their subjects , their analytical skills and their capacity to handle complex issues under time pressure .
30 For example , a centre must have at least one member of staff who is competent in APL techniques and there must be a plan to train all members of the centre 's APL team ; a central contact for APL must be appointed who will be responsible for organising APL within the centre and for liaising with SCOTVEC .
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