Example sentences of "[to-vb] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Work places have always had supervisors to measure output , so it is hard to explain why it was so much more painful to work plugged into the big brain .
2 Civilian patients had been turned out three days earlier , as the hospital prepared to receive wounded from the Eastern theatre of war .
3 In one instance a picture lent from Czechoslovakia to Cologne was prevented from returning because of a claim to title made by the former owner 's heir .
4 Roughly , unilateralism provides that the plaintiff must win if he or she has a right to win established in the explicit extension of some legal convention , but that otherwise the defendant must win .
5 We are nation builders , consecrated to God and to one another , and are ourselves stones in the very building we wish to see raised by the Divine Architect of our country .
6 This is largely due to support provided by the British Library Research and Development Division which during 1978–1980 funded projects in seven UK library schools based on the use of the HP2645A .
7 The sub-contract was for the sale , not merely of similar goods , but of the very same goods as were to lie supplied under the first contract .
8 It was after they had cleared supper and were sitting by the range with a cup of tea that the first person to arrive knocked at the front door .
9 It climbed vertically above the field , retracing its earlier journey , until it seemed to hang suspended at the precise point where it had rested a moment ago .
10 We know that families are tied to school holiday dates , and for that reason we offer our highest discounts during these periods ; this is the best time to go combined with the best value .
11 By the end of September an anti-Singh faction within the Janata Dal appeared to have coalesced around the Prime Minister 's arch-rival Chandra Shekhar .
12 It seems to have formed through the successive accretion of continental and island arc fragments ( see Section 3.6 ) from then until the middle Cretaceous and at the time of its collision with the Indian Plate it was probably an area of relatively warm and weak lithosphere .
13 A crust appears to have formed over the volcanic rubble , but red-hot lava began creeping over it yesterday and into a private orchard .
14 We 're still here , two extensions later , and very happy not to have jumped on the house-moving bandwagon .
15 Nevertheless taxation does not seem to have fallen on the whole population .
16 Taylor believes he must protect Gascoigne just at a time when he seems to have shaken off the horrific knee injury that has kept him out of football for 17 months .
17 In R. v. Monopolies and Mergers Commission , ex parte Argyll Group plc Lord Donaldson MR said that courts must show ‘ a proper awareness of the needs of public administration ’ : a court should be wary of striking down a decision if it is clear that the same decision would have been made even if the decision-maker had not acted unlawfully ; or if doing so would unduly delay the conduct of government business ; or if members of the public are likely already to have relied on the challenged decision ; or if the court thinks that the applicant 's motivation in making the application was improper or vexatious or frivolous .
18 Contracts for services are commonly personal as in such circumstances the customer is likely to have relied upon the individual skill and identity of the vendor .
19 Relatively cheap methods of testing local ground conditions which have been researched by geomorphologists can act as useful warnings to engineers as to whether they are risking the kind of problems which now make the Trannon scheme , with hindsight , a questionable one to have undertaken in the first place .
20 At first sight , Holly Aylett appears to have stumbled on the ideal Arena subject with her A Spanish Odyssey — A Portrait of Javier Mariscal ( BBC2 on Friday : 9.30–10.30 pm ) .
21 Each party to the conference , including the Palestinian representation , was understood to have received during the second half of October a separate " letter of assurances ' from the US government .
22 Both his father and his uncle had been Stickies , while several younger relatives were reputed to have broken with the official wing and gone over to the Provies .
23 who who do you think , I mean , th , you know , the government 's making it pretty clear at the moment , Mrs , that that er , in these troubled times something 's gon na get squeezed because there 's so m , many people out of work that gi , you know , they 're having to pay more unemployment benefit , there 's not enough tax money coming and and generally the government is hard up , so someone 's going to get squeezed in the social security system .
24 In work on anaphor resolution , the democratic approach seems to have originated with the non-computational work of Kantor ( 1977 ) , who defined ‘ concept activatedness ’ as the net effect of a variety of different factors .
25 Both were believed to have originated from the Soviet Union and had been smuggled through Czechoslovakia .
26 It stemmed from the outbreak of Minamata disease among the Japanese who had eaten fish and shellfish containing substantial quantities of organic mercury compounds — found to have originated from the direct discharge of factory effluent .
27 It seems to have originated in the personal computer segment about the time Compaq proved it could supply 286 machines that were comparable to IBM 's … and do so in a more timely fashion .
28 It was performed at the festival of Dionysus in Athens and is said by Aristotle in his Poetics ( c. 330 B.C. ) to have originated in the Dionysiac dithyramb .
29 Thus , although incoming variants of both vowels appear to have originated in the same hinterland Scots dialect , each has assumed a diametrically opposed social value in its new urban setting .
30 The number of journalists who claim to have sat on the same sofa and had private speech with His Majesty is legion .
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