Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The second solution is to try to carry ambiguities around in the form of constraints [ Sussman & steele , 1980 ] .
2 National training in basic interviewing skills to be given to all police officers — this recognises the central role that confessions play in the police investigative strategy and the need to train officers out of the use of the ‘ persuasive techniques ’ , witnessed by the Commission 's researchers , which run the risk of producing unreliable evidence , in favour of a more open minded and even handed approach .
3 A recent report from the EOC found that ‘ overall the Youth Training Programme does little or nothing to widen girls ’ horizons or to provide ways out of the low-paid and dead-end jobs which are a feature of many women 's lives in Northern Ireland today ’ .
4 The 1988 Act allows open enrolment , so that schools are forced to accept children up to the limit of their capacity .
5 This philosophy is matched by the general willingness of the Nicaraguan people to accept ex-offenders back into the community .
6 Through these policies it was also hoped to pull women out of the work-place , by glorifying the role of nurturing , family women to reduce unemployment .
7 Most dealers , however anticipated something of the kind might happen once they were forbidden to sell clients out of the stock .
8 As a result banks may have to call in money from the discount houses , which , in turn being short of liquidity , have to sell bills back to the Bank of England ( acting as lender of last resort ) .
9 Tracy Kidder 's The Soul of a New Machine , Joe McGinniss ' earlier The Selling of the President combined ‘ new journalism ’ ( meticulous , participatory , eyewitness reporting ) with an acute business eye to create best-sellers out of the development of a computer and Richard Nixon 's use of advertising to get himself elected President .
10 Sometimes Moira had to lock customers out in the middle of the day in order to control the numbers inside .
11 Second of all because we 're dealing with a topic which people may not want to talk about , may not erm er want to answer questions on to a market researcher , for obvious reasons .
12 ‘ I feel he should have the chance to sort things out with the Accounts Commission before we discuss anything . ’
13 ‘ We have not got a lot of money and we have got to just get on with the job of trying to sort things out on the field .
14 Accordingly leave to serve Lies out of the jurisdiction could not be justified by Cargolux under article 39 CMR paragraph 2 and Order 11 of the Rules of the Supreme Court .
15 The rolling forest of Wensleydale that surrounded Bainbridge has gone now , with its deer and wild boar , but the horn that was blown at dusk every evening between Holyrood and Shrovetide to lead travellers out of the forest to safety still hangs behind the bar of the Rose and Crown , although it is blown now only at village weddings .
16 The questions which arose turned on the construction of the then rules concerning leave to serve proceedings out of the jurisdiction : Rousou 's Trustee v. Rousou [ 1955 ] 1 W.L.R. 545 and , later , [ 1955 ] 3 All E.R.
17 She used to attack the audience — during the hugely-successful New York run of Without You I 'm Nothing , she would use a torch to pick faces out of the dark — and for a while incorporated messages left on her answering machine by a once hostile critic who was trying to suck up and make friends .
18 Er they , there were seasons for all these things and then erm balls , we used to used to play balls up against the walls .
19 It was left to Bray to wrap things up with a penalty flick , her eighth league goal of the season , after Dixon 's storming run was impeded .
20 Place the royal icing in a piping bag with a fine writing nozzle and use to pipe tassels on to the towel , ties on to the shorts and arms on to the sunglasses .
21 It seems strange to me to see cattle out in a field in mid-winter .
22 Owen could not tell whether this actually was the demonstration , conveniently moved in view of the circumstances , or whether Osman meant to whip things up to the point when the crowd would storm the barricade .
23 I like to see things through to the finish — and to see them through successfully . ’
24 It was late by the time we got to the village , and we were surprised to see lights on at the pub , and people running in and out .
25 Only last month , BR agreed to put barriers back at the crossing at Ruswarp .
26 Incidentally , there 's another hotkey that disables this for 10 seconds , long enough for you to shut things down before the UPS leaps into action .
27 SPEEDWAY : Edinburgh Monarchs beat Middlesbrough Bears 57–33 in the Homefire League 's second division to put Bears back to the bottom of the table .
28 In the 1950s , anti-Communism and the ideology of the nuclear family combined to put women back in the kitchen and to launch a series of prosecutions of gay men which amounted to mass persecution .
29 At last year 's Annual General Meeting ( ‘ AGM ’ ) , the directors were given authority under Section 80 of the Companies Act 1985 , until 15th July 1997 to allot shares up to a maximum of the authorised but unissued share capital of the company .
30 Similarly , while a pupil with this type of visual condition might be able to read words up on the blackboard with little difficulty , locating the words themselves could be an initial problem .
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